Why was my Berreta suspended

Discussion started by bogkkgfgh

I have created a Berreta p92 M9A1 pistol and removed all original text from the model and it keeps getting suspended.



Posted over 2 years ago

did you upload a STL file format?

bogkkgfgh wrote
yes i did, i didn't know stl was used for 3d printing and the website said the more fili formats i had it was more likley i would sell it. Thanks for help
Posted over 2 years ago

STL printable handguns, sub-machine guns, rifles, and machine guns are not allowed on here. Other formats are allowed.

Posted over 2 years ago

Like the others already mentioned. STL files of firearms are not allowed to prevent 3d printed weapons. Does not matter if they are made to be functional or not.

Personally, i think it is kind of a pointless rule considering that almost anybody that can work a 3d printer has the knowhow to convert any 3d file into a printable STL using free software like blender.
But still, they make the rules and you have to work with the card you have been given.

Posted over 2 years ago

Yeah. It's a political and risk issue. Even though it would be extremely dangerous to the user to stick a live round in a PLA (or other material) printed gun, some fool will always try it and then blame someone else for his stupidity (if they survive, otherwise their relatives get lawyered up). You can paste warnings all over the place, but idiots can't be bothered to read them.

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