Why do free model downloads give no reputation points?

Discussion started by hakanh138

I don't know if this subject discussed here before but i think for new artists to gain fair reputation in this platform it is necessary to be able to earn rep points from each download from free models as well. it does not have to be much, even 1 point would be fair. i have one model downloaded over 50 times but haven't got any benefit from it. Even making comment here gives you credit. I don't believe it would reduce the purchase rates from cgtrader in general but will give better competition posibility.


Posted about 3 years ago

I really agree with you, it would be nice if CGtrader added something so people would get maybe 1 reputation point per 10/15 downloads, it would be really useful for beginners.
But I also could see pro modelers getting hundreds/thousands of downloads getting way more reputation points then they should, considering how much reputation they most likely already have.
I totally agree they should give reputation points for downloads though!

Posted over 3 years ago

fully agree with you

Posted almost 4 years ago

Good idea - more downloads means that model is usefull. So it will be nice to add some reputation points...

Posted about 4 years ago

@hakanh138, CGtrader algorithms are fine tuned to set order of visibility according to performance of models, new models or existing models get shifted position from time to time in order to bring them in view and measure performance automatically (regardless of any points).

So, reputation points do not have a big impact on the position of your models.

You see, I have relatively high number of reputation points, jet my bad performing models go to the back and my good performing models go to the front regardless.

In some cases I can also observe new members outperform my models regardless of them having very few rep points.

If getting more rep points in order to get better royalty is your goal then the only best thing to do is make good performing models.

Do not believe a model can only perform good when you have lots of reps, that would be a mistake.

hakanh138 wrote
Thanks for the comment. If this is the case that would be more fair for sure.
skapricorn wrote
It's very bad thing (all this administration games with algorithms). For example: models CGT shows in my store first by default aren't what I actually want to sell more (and not all of them are my "bestsellers"). I'll be happy if I can to manage exposition by myself. But NO, there are working "fine tuned" algorithms and I'm licking the karmic balls instead of doing sales.
iterateCGI wrote
@skapricorn, its only bad when you make stuff people don't like/need or stuff that is already there in large quantity. If you make something people like then all those algorithms work great for you. Sadly we cannot control (to some degree) what people are going to like or need, those algorithms are there to measure that so just learn from the results and work with it. Anyways, your always free to setup own website but I guarantee in the end you would like some Google algorithms to notice your website, because that one also show best performing websites first.
Posted about 4 years ago

where you want to use these points? I'm new here and didn't understand where it can be useful :)

jonjensen wrote
Your loyallity rate depends on your reputation points.
hakanh138 wrote
Your visibility in searches and amount of commision cgtrader taking depends on your reputation.
pstudio3d wrote
Now i understand! Thanks :)
Posted about 4 years ago

The subject of free models has come under discussion before, might be worth reading other peoples' experiences before getting too invested in them:


mhamik wrote
and what's wrong with the fact that a person asks ? besides, he already asked if this topic was used before
everyplant wrote
Where did I say it was wrong for him to ask? Don't understand why your nose should be out of joint. Free models have been talked about, hence my link, and maybe getting 1 rep point per free download may be a good thing, there may be other less desirable consequences, as discussed in that link.
Posted about 4 years ago

I will be a little bit of topic but CGT should repair the community rating "game".
This was very funny, usefull and easy way how to earn reputation points even for new artists.

mhamik wrote
fully agree with you
Posted about 4 years ago

Before it was like that. I think the amount of free model fell drastically when there were no points to gain for them any more.

Posted about 4 years ago

I don't want to go too deep about this, but I believe it's better that way.
There is enough amount of crappy free models already and I don't think CGT will become a better place if they stimulate people to produce more.

mhamik wrote
it already depends on the point of view. BUT bringing back old rules for getting point will good compromise .
razor99 wrote
I don’t agree with this, because it would give beginners without many models or downloads a way to earn a little more reputation through downloads.

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