Where do you get your inspiration from for specific ideas?

Discussion started by twistedpancreas

Say I'm looking for some specific inspiration on models that look similar to Overwatch vehicles or ridiculous weapons from animated cartoons, where do you guys have most success in finding this stuff?

Google image search and pinterest just don't seem to cut it.

Thanks in advance.


Posted over 3 years ago

Google image search and pinterest are good enough for anything.
The reason is in the keywords you write.

Posted over 3 years ago

Movies, museums, books (remember those?), google images, concept art, my grandson (kids are a gold mine of things you would never dream of) and friends on my Discord server.

I recently did the models for a sci-fi game (not my usual thing), I watched the entire box sets of Voyager and Stargate to put me in the mood lol

Good luck!

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