What should you upload and not upload?

Discussion started by BJDBjBKbsBLKFBhb

So made five models to be able to get access to analytics but the recommendations are so hard to make but I'm pretty lost as I don't want to make something that has no sells like is there any tips that can get me a higher chance of sells, and what type of models tends to sell most and which don't?


Posted almost 4 years ago

I find the lack of movement of keywords in the analytics disturbing. They barely move up or down over time.

SimonTGriffiths wrote
Helmet has been very popular for a long, long time lol
Posted almost 4 years ago

I must say, I do find the analytics a useful tool when deciding what NOT to make next. That's where its importance lies.

Posted almost 4 years ago

IMHO CGT's analytics tools have more "cons" than "pros". Just search the forum for questions and disputes about analytics. And read agreement... I made wrong step when I filed for CGT analytics. Now I can't to manage my models as it was possible in "free of analytics" life. And declining from CGT's analytics program looks hilariously complicated an uncomfortable.

Just do good models and publish those models as regularly as you can. And that's all. Also self-promotion on social networks and thematic forums can be useful. But I'm sure at this moment promotion on social platforms also more wastes the designer's time than gives good reflection on sales. (IMHO again)

Posted almost 4 years ago

I can say that your models has almost no value in the marketplace. They are very simple, even most inexperienced modeller will easily make them in a few minutes. Ask yourself why anyone should bother with your models if it would take him faster to make his own, than he could download it from here? If you want to have any chance to sell, you need to start making more complex models. Something that would save time and effort to customer and save his money.

BJDBjBKbsBLKFBhb wrote
I agree on that but my idea was like, quantity = sales (even if t's not complex)
skapricorn wrote
@unscriptablee "quantity=sales" is pretty bad strategy and looks more like flood of useless traffic. I doubt it's good choice for any designer. Maybe this strategy works for pirates that are uploading hundreds of models (usually stolen and downloaded from "gray" sites). But for "ordinary" user it's just a waste of time.
luxxeon wrote
By no means was I suggesting to you that quantity = sales in and of itself. That's a horrible way to look at it. I always promote quality models. Creating a good portfolio takes time. You are less likely to be noticed and make sales if you only have one single model for sale is all I was saying, even if that model is very good. There's perhaps dozens or hundreds of really good models similar to it in the same category. So if you have a collection of quality models already finished, then, by all means, upload them to your store. If not, then expect to take a year or so to build a good collection of models and get noticed in your chosen category. Never sacrifice quality for quantity. it will never really pay off in this business.
Posted almost 4 years ago

EDIT: I just checked your portfolio. It seems you already have 5 models uploaded? For some reason, I only saw 1 model the first time. Sorry if I misunderstood.

Posted almost 4 years ago

If you have 5 models finished, why not just upload all of them? Yes, it's true that certain categories will tend to sell better than others, but it also depends on the quality of the models and how often you can add new content to your store.

However, if you only have 1 single model in your portfolio, your chances of making sales are minimal even if it's a good model. Think about the fact that there are probably thousands of good models in every category already. Start out by modeling what you know best and what you like to work with. As your portfolio grows and you analyze the analytics more closely, maybe then you can decide on a different category to focus your efforts or maybe stick with what you enjoy.. Just don't expect sales to happen quickly with only a few products. A single model could take months before someone discovers it and decides to purchase it.

BJDBjBKbsBLKFBhb wrote
So if you have more models would that make me get promoted more, and if that's the case (more models higher chance of getting sales) then isn't it stupid to make good models that take a long time to make there is like the super small chance of getting sales?

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