What make CGtrader better than turbosquid and other marketplaces in 2021?

Discussion started by falconcreator


I am new to selling 3d models and I want to know which marketplace is best. So, please give me your opinions on what makes CGtrader better than other marketplaces on both sides, i.e., on seller and on buyer sides.

And please mention negetive points as well.

I also saw a much similar question community already but that's 7 years old and I want to know what's current scenario.


Posted over 2 years ago

And one last one, which might be quite subjective and dependent on my location/google tracking of me, but I found CGTrader SEO very good. On various occasions searching on google by specific keywords CGtrader models pop 1st in line.

falconcreator wrote
Its same for my location as well, that's why I started with this marketplace.
Posted over 2 years ago

Sorry it's my 3rd post, yes - I am farming some reputation points to get better %, which makes cgtrader more active in this sense, people are more involved even though everyone is focusing on their target(farming reputation mostly). On 3D ocean the community is kinda dead. A negative point for both marketplaces that I found - on several occasions the support team couldn't solve or help out properly to what I was expecting.

Another negative point is the search engine on cgtrader is very weird and not favorable to relevant items for the search keyword. For example do a search for keyword "tomato" - you will find some on 1st page, then 2nd page is a lot of unrelated garbage and then on the third one you can find some cool models of tomatoes, then on the 4th garbage, on the 5th some good ones again.

falconcreator wrote
Don't be sorry, it's okay. You helped me a lot. Again thanks.
Posted over 2 years ago

Yeah, on 3Docean and in general on Envato, they have this buyer fee(3$ fixed) and author fee which is dependent on the value of total lifetime sales. The buyer fee inflates your item price, but you don't get any piece of it. So it's artificially lowering your piece of cake from the sale. For example I was selling my scans on 3Docean. For me to get clean 10$ from the sale the item price had to be 18$ for the buyer. On CGTrader I can sell it for 14$ which is more attractive and still get my 10$.

falconcreator wrote
Your points are really helpful for a newbie like me, thanks a lot.
ZB-Vision wrote
@falconcreator good luck with sales!
Posted over 2 years ago

Very good point for CGTrader is that there is no review process on the models. You can just publish a lot. I've been selling on 3Docean for 10years, there it takes several days until a moderator(it's just one person there really) reviews and accepts or rejects your item.

Posted over 2 years ago

in turbosquid you get 40% from your sales (60% if you are exclusive), here we get 70% and we can increase it by reputation points, and get up to 80% per sale.

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