What is your field?

Discussion started by stereomanik

As many others, I wonder about our work, about the many ways it can take depending on some factors.

And this led me to this question, ¿What is your field and why?.

I¨m quite sure the answers will be enlightening.

So let me start by myself,it seems quite obvious from my portfolio that I´m fascinated by submarines, these are the only true machines able to transport men into another true world, moreover, I find very troubling the idea of men living inside a machine, as if being part of it.

Im also fascinated by it´s short and fast development from very dangerous amounts of plank and rivets, to the hugue nuclear vessels they are today.

So this is my field because I can´t resist.

Once this said arises THE question, ¿How to find my target if I want to sell my models?, or, I better model for another people?.

The answers to these questions will lead to a more fine-tuning questions, I hope.


Posted almost 8 years ago

Hi chrisibub,
wonderful models, I´ve downloaded your Pisa tower, it´s nice to look at, many thanks.
The mini soccer it´s very nice too, you have a taste, it seems you are young, I look forward to see what you can achieve in the future.

chrisibub wrote
Great to hear that you like them! Yes - I'm 17 years old now and work with CAD for just 10 months now. One year left at school until I can study Maths and Geometry! :D I promise that I will work on and upload much more models in the future! Christoph
Posted almost 8 years ago


My field is - mostly - 3D Printing for decoration or entertainment. I enjoy modeling things which are not just nice as a .anything file but also as something that really can be brought into your home.

For example my designs include a Lego Minifigure or a Mini Table Soccer for entertainment and e.g. a Christmas Tree Star or the Leanig Tower of Pisa for decoration.

Take a look at my models - they are at the time all free for downloading - print them and bring them into your home! I will soon add much more models.


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