What is the best way to give away custom licence for the already existing model?

Discussion started by NikolaDoes3d

Hey guys,

What is the best way to give away different licenses for the already existing model?
My solution was to just create another model with a different license and custom price. Now that buyer purchased the model and given away a positive rating, I am thinking about removing the model from my page. The downside of doing it this way is that I will lose my rating from the same model.

I am interested if there is any alternative to my solution.

Thanks in advance.


Posted 11 months ago

Helps if we understand why you need to change the license type. Is this so you can offer the model as royalty free for personal use and additional fee for commercial use?

If the above example is true, there is not really an option for 'variations' on the CGT platform so you would have to make a duplicate and offer it as a different price, however it would be obvious people would just download the cheaper version as the tags etc would put the model together in search results (most likely).

I'm just speculating so best to know more about your situation.

NikolaDoes3d wrote
It is pretty much what you said. Giving away a different license than the one that is attached to the model for a higher price in this case. Seems like the only option is to create a different model with a custom license, and delete the model after it gets purchased.
3DCargo wrote
Why delete the model after purchase? Maybe you can contact support about this they might have a better workaround.
NikolaDoes3d wrote
Because I don't want to further sell that model with a custom license. Simply put it was just a one-time sale. It might not be a bad option to sell it as a 3d project. But that seems to be the question for support.
3DCargo wrote
Fair enough. My only other thought was if the price was not being changed (only the license) then you can just add a custom license for different use types and leave it at that permanently. Otherwise you could temporarily update the price and license type, give the link to the customer then change it back after.

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