View others offers would be a nice solution

Discussion started by ibrahimgate

Freelance 3D project section lacks of orientation. I have done some, but most of the applications i submitted either didn't get any response, or may be the project owner didn't see them due to some complexity of the website. However, i believe some project owners are just creating imaginary projects that they don't even need, they are doing this only to have fun. And since applying to a freelance project requires the designer to submit some of the work, it leads to just wasting his / her time due to the fact that the project owner is just a trol, "Technically we refer to those individuals as trols".

My suggestion is, when a free lancer submit an offer, he/she should see others offers. And if the project owner did not or ignored all the offers, a report button should be added, identifying that the project owner is just trolling others.

I really want this website to be my side earning job, because i love 3d design and animations.

Thanks for the reading and sorry for the long post.


Posted over 3 years ago

@ibrahimgate, i have nothing to proove to you. If you think that all your problems will magically disappear the moment you will be allowed to peep to other designers offers and try to outcompete them with lower price, then i will leave you with your fantasies. I have nothing more to say here.

ibrahimgate wrote
Suddenly my problem become you..... where did that come from I understood your point. Leave a space to others. We want to see that 10$offer that worth 1000$ of working hours. To expose the trols and fake projects. Just stop denying everyone. Stop being karen my friend. We got you your point calm down.
Posted over 3 years ago

yes I want to see who design for $10 bucks....hahaha

ibrahimgate wrote
Right? That person Lemonade says look at to see the TOP ppl and compare them to your work. He is literally degrading the efforts compare to the price. So yes TOP designers have some stuff for 700$ and the look good. Now i want to see the freelance project who ask for the same stuff for 10$. and when you present your efforts, they ignore you. So i want to see the other efforts that sells out to those project for 10$ at least to know if they are trols or not
Posted over 3 years ago

Want to see what designers are most successful at freelancing work? Go to designers list choose sorting by rating and look for those who have the most projects completed. Now you can analyze their portfolios and see what you need in order to be more successful at winning the jobs.

ibrahimgate wrote
Yup, most of the times those top designers with 1000$ products are companies. Now the question is .... i want to see those projects that end up picking same 1000$ quality for 10$ LOL. Don't mind lemonade he just have fantasy world to care.
Posted over 3 years ago

People are free to cancel the project, there's nothing wrong in that. Maybe situation has changed, maybe they found designer on another platform, there could be million reasons.

As for wasting your time on applications, it's really up to you. If you're desperate for work and will apply to any available offer, no matter if it suits you or not, then sure, you will be wasting lots of time and energy and if you don't have good portfolio, then your chances to win will be questionable, which leads to more desperation. With better portfolio you could apply to less jobs and have more chance to win.

BTW, i agree with you that there is quite big percentage of dubious offers, but with some common sense, it's not that hard to spot them and just ignore. There's absolutely no need to stalk buyers with questions, why they're not choosing you, or why they're cancelling projects.

ibrahimgate wrote
I did not ask why they didn't choose me or why they cancelled the project (i am not that annoying person), i actually stopped working because i got tired or non serious ppl who start a project without even profile that hold license of business or an account to pay, you know what i am talking about of course, and trols of-course. i asked some of them if they are serious about the project or not. and i didn't get even a response. Neither yes or no. Despite the fact, that few like 2 or 3, actually said my work ain't what they want, and another one just said he chose different designer. And i was ok no complaining at all. only 3 can respond? Anyway, i was suggesting to enlighten the website developers, to go out with a solution for balance. Thats all.... And since you brought up the portfolio, yes that is why i want to see other submitter work, so i can simply decide to make better, or just rest my hand because someone already did a good job, and i cannot bring better knowing myself's limit. it will help a lot to decide either to start wasting my time or not.
Posted over 3 years ago

That is a very VERY bad idea. The last thing we need is the race to the bottom in projects, like it's happening with stock model prices. Want to bargain, compete with incompetent people on miserable prices? Go to freelancer, upwork and other shitty places. If you want that clients would start to respond to your applications, then get yourself decent portfolio - nobody will treat your applications seriously if all you can show, is couple cheap models.

ibrahimgate wrote
Then any idea that could help freelancers out not to waste their time? if you just browse projects, you will see some even posting pictures of some old korean movie and the movie called flue, as they are stating that they already finished the filming set, and by pretending to be some big business of film production company they want to collect 3d figures from freelancers. Others didn't even respond to messages when we ask them if they offer legit working project or just having fun by asking a professional work on their own ideas. I just thought , it might be good to see if the project holder accepted others or not, beside i saw some case if someone literally cancelled the project after like 26 people submitted their work.

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