Using game's model for my own showreel

Discussion started by kolafi

Hello everyone, I found a pretty nice model of one of the characters from Cyberpunk 2077. My intensions are purely to rig the model and make some facial animations for my showreel. If I understand tha law correctly I should be able to use it and say post it on Linkedin but I cant make any profit from it, but I would still like to hear your expiriences and if you guys had any issues.

Thanks for your time.


Posted 6 months ago

You didn't mentioned who is the author of the model. If model is ripped/stolen from the game the answer is no, you can't use it in any way because that model should not be available to you or anyone else in the first place. If it's a fan created free model it should be ok, but then again I would try to find and contact the author before usage.

kolafi wrote
I've looked into the author a bit more and it really seems that all the posted characters are ripped out straight out of the original games so I wont be using it. Thanks for the answer Tobias and have a good one!

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