Top Designers - Reputation vs. Uploads

Discussion started by marpro

Hello community,

I stumbled over something I can't explain my self so I created this little topic.

The question is rather simple:
On everybody's Dashboard there is a small List with the "Top Designers". In this little Window, we can see who performs best in terms of Reputation and Uploads, at this moment while I writing this there is no other than "micheldogary-1" on place #1 on both of these categories with incredible 362 Uploads and +4953 Reputation but this makes me wonder.

If you upload a model you get +20 Reputation points, that means by 362 Uploads you have to get a minimum of +7240 Reputation Points that's a difference of 2287 Points.
How is this even possible?

And also "micheldogary-1" does have an overall score of 33063 Reputation but uploaded 2375 Models, again simple Math:
2375 * 20 = 47500

So again: How is this possible?

I hope there is an answer to this.
Wish you a nice day!


Posted over 4 years ago

I'm just want to say: you are looking wrong direction. Withe the fact of incredible amount of uploads and suspiciously similar models that already appeared many times on CGT, talking about rep.points calculating is funny.

Posted over 4 years ago

Ok. Let's discuss this :) And let's don't touch the fact that models of this "top designer" are.looking suspicious (directly saying: he sells collection of stolen models).

Posted over 4 years ago

There is a bug (I suspect it started when the batch uploader was introduced, because it happens when you use it). Support is aware of it.
If it's about small number of models there is an easy work around - just edit and save the model you didn't get the reputation points for and you will receive them.
For large number you can contact support and they will fix it for you.

Posted over 4 years ago

The reputation of the designer here doesn't depend on the number of models that he uploads on the site only, sales of the most important factors that increase your points after how many models you have, there are also positive feedbacks you get from buyers and then comes your participation in the site community through you get Likes and comments from the members on your models, and vice versa When you like one of the models or write a comment you will get a number of other points which leads to high reputation here.
good luck

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