This Job Has expired A Modeler Has almost completed it.

Discussion started by miaomiao3d This Job is closed

Please read the instructions carefully.

It even states it is closed in the guidelines.

I couldn't take it down because CGT does not have an option to take a job down once it is put up.

Another modeler took the job on earlier then modelers applied to the post so please don't waste time applying to this job anymore.


Posted over 7 years ago

Hi Marvimation,

When you pick the designer for your job, go to edit the details of the job and change it from "public" to "private". That way only the accepted designer can see the job details and the conversation, and others won't have to apply for it.

We'll take that into account however, and make the possibility to publicly "close" the job in the future.

Eddie, CGTrader

Posted over 7 years ago

Thanks! I think a lot of jobs that are out there are not miss posted. Some of them may have already been completed like this one and the people don't know how to delete them. I am sure lots of artists get frustrated and apply to those posts anyway but at the same time a lot of artists are applying blindly to jobs.

They don't even bother to read the job guidelines. That is why I changed the text of my job post to Job expired and closed... to see what would happen.
It is clear that the job seekers are also not reading and just apply to everything. There is a climate of desperation among artists to find any job what so ever to make a few bucks and that needs to change.

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