STL 3d print models and Publishing Score

Discussion started by yaschan

At the moment the section "Models to improve" lists my 3D printable .STL models very low score because they can only have one format.

Thus the fact is that having many 3D print models will DESTROY one's Average Publishing Score.
This is total craziness and must be addressed.

Someone commented in my earlier thread that having a good average publishing score will help getting models sold, so it must be that having low avg. publishing score will hurt one's chances to sell models.

Therefore it would be logical to say that one having only .STL models to sell makes one's publishing score very low and thus very difficult to even sell anything.

Or perhaps am I missing something?


Posted almost 6 years ago

I was the one answering you, I GUESS that the publishing score impacts on your visibility because when you read on the "rules to get on top trending models" it says that it includes ratings, popularity, sales... etc and publishing score is very probably included in it because it's a major factor.
But I may be wrong, so if anyone have the ultimate answer you ll be welcome :)
And yes the fact that 3D printable models impact on publishing score is unacceptable because it can't have the same number of formats/renderings as a cg model :/

Posted almost 6 years ago

I would like to get official word from CGTrader on this. This kind of vagueness is not very nice for us artists.

Posted almost 6 years ago

Hi guys,

Eduardas from Product team here at CGTrader. Thank you for addressing this. I'll be reviewing .stl publishing-score-question with my team. We certainly don't want to destroy the publishing score.

For the moment, I can say that it definitely shouldn't affect how your sales are going if other model presentation information is done well - but we'll be sure to tweak the calculations of publishing score regarding models with only stl formats.

Best regards,
Eduardas, CGTrader

yaschan wrote
thank you. I really appreciate it. Would you also share insight on how Average Publishing Score of an artist affects his or her ranking of the models in site?
eduardas wrote
I think it's something that should have a normal published case study, since there are a lot of variations regarding model category, print or cg models, pricing etc. I can easily say that models with a nice thorough presentation do tend to sell better - you want to know what you're purchasing anyways. :)
Posted almost 6 years ago

If you think that publishing score is affecting your visibility and that it is impossible to achieve better score for 3DP models, think about that - you're competing against other 3DP models, not against regular 3D models, so as long as you prepare nice descriptions and add enough preview images, you will be totally fine, because no other 3DP model will be able to outscore you ;]
On the other hand, my highest ranked 3DP model has 7.0 score and i think i could easily improve its publishing to 8+ score if i would want to.
Having said that, i completely agree that low ranks for 3DP models and textures should be addressed by the cgt team, because having significant amount of aforementioned products in one's collection, could negatively impact overal score and that would limit one's access to analytics tool, which is unacceptable.

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