Someone bought pack from me and is publishing my models!!!

Discussion started by Digitize3D

This guy bought models from me in December saying he needs it for some education projects and suddenly I see them published here. I know it is him because he has some of my new models that I haven't sold to anyone else yet.

I am outraged to be honest. I already contacted CGTrader support, but I do not want to leave it like this. This whole selling stolen models must end I will do, I started gathering information what my legal options are.

CGTrader must work on some algortithms that detect this kind of suspicious duplicates. I am lucky to notice it quickly, but some of those models are published for two weeks already.

UPDATE: Luckily CGTrader support resolved the issue quickly, and the user has been removed.

Unfortunate thing is I will have to be checking all the 3D marketplaces for those models. Part of my daily routine from now on. :(


Posted about 4 years ago

you can always search on google by image, most of these low life don't bother to render new shots, so it would be easy to find any duplicates

Posted about 4 years ago

This is absolutely unacceptable. I'm surprised to see the page is still up. I hope this gets resolved for you quickly.

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