selling issues

Discussion started by saal-1999

hello everyone i hope you can help me with my problem

I don't know why but I have a lot of viewers in some of my models and the prices are low but no one is buying them, I thought maybe because I added them without textures but I did that on purpose so they can choose the textures that they want, however, I think that ill add two of each model one with a texture which will be high on price and one without so they can choose the best for their work. and please let me know if there is anything that you can help me with because I really need to learn and gain more experience.


Posted over 3 years ago

Create Your Model Better And Make Sure Your Model Available In Minimum 4 Formats And With Good pictures.

saal-1999 wrote
sure, ill try my best as a beginner xD
Posted over 3 years ago

I took a quick look at the model you mentioned. The starting point of the model is good, but I want to suggest some improvements:
- You have set 4 preview images. I think this is insufficient in terms of publishing score. Yo need to add some more images like wireframe view, last render view etc. This will increase the model publishing score.
- Also you need to add longer description. Add almost all info about model in the description. It should help to imrpove your sales rate.
- Add more Tags but remember that the Tags you add must be related to your model.

I believe that even if not immediately, the above recommendations will affect your sales in the future.

saal-1999 wrote
thanks for your honest comment and ill work on that for sure.
Posted over 3 years ago

As 3DCargo says, simple models that you have spent time on instead of making complex models to start with will bring much more benefits. In addition, it may not be realistic to get immediate results from the models made. This requires a little wait.
Have a nice work...

saal-1999 wrote
but I think what I already did wasn't that hard you know it's just a window and a jail bed but maybe I was wrong to try to make the Japanese cultural house? anyway, I really appreciate your comment.
Posted over 3 years ago

As a beginner I recommend taking more time and focus on smaller objects that you can really make great. Spend time on making a really nice drinking glass, photo scan some apples or oranges something easy but make it look real. Even if it takes you a month or two to get 1 model right it will pay off hugely in the long run.

Best of luck to you.

saal-1999 wrote
Yeah, you are right, then ill try the best-doing things that I can do as a beginner and I hope that will work. for me.
Posted over 3 years ago

Here's a few things to think about:

- Think of it from the buyers perspective, they want the least amount of work to do, this is why they are buying content.
- Even if they buyer will change the texture, they want to know the mapping is correct, so showing timber running the right way for example is helpful.
- You don't show any UV mapping/checker textures to show the buyer that its uv unwrapped. If its not, then it should be.
- Model things that are difficult to make, if its easy to make then most artists can do this for themselves so why would they pay money for something they can do quickly.
- Remember most serious artists already have large catalogues of models, so you are competing with Evermotion, Vizpeople, Design Connected, Maxtree etc. If your work is not on par or better then you need something in a unique category - such as sci fi, photogrammetry, antique items, printables, stylized art etc.

Most of all if you want to be in this game, you need to push the bar. Look at the top selling models, if you can produce work like this then you are a shoe in. This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface when it comes to the technical requirements such as good poly flow, texturing (pbr, atlas etc), optimized uv's, texel density, regular file formats such as 3dsmax, c4d, maya... Once you are able to overcome some or all of this you need to evaluate how to market your products, who is your target audience, how are you providing them value etc. I see you have 3 models for sale, you need much much more to collect some useful data as to where your efforts should go. 3D is not easy and its time consuming, you will need a lot more time in the game before you can focus yourself and hit that niche. Until then, provide fully final models for sale, textured, and to the latest requirements for the best opportunity to grow.

Thats my 2c.

saal-1999 wrote
yes, I got you but I'm just a beginner and I cant do a top-quality 3D model which means I need years to make it right and to work harder. whatever thanks I appreciate your time, ill keep this in my mind.

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