Rating system

Discussion started by fabelar

Hello everybody,

I have notice that many times the ratings given to the models are very far from the real value of the model.

I attach here one example, in this particular case: only 1 image, almost impossible to guess what the model is about, low quality.

I don' t mean to offend the the artist the screenshot have been taken from, I only want to share my impressions.




Posted about 2 years ago

It is very rare for rating systems to work properly. Human factor

Posted over 9 years ago

Hello Marius ,
Can I share some additional personal thoughts about the current rating system?
Don't get me wrong the work being done so far on this entire platform is remarkable.

So my experience (just as a snapshot of a single average artist/user) with the current new community rating system is as follows.

When I enter to play a rating game (that's how it currently is motivated I think?) I am being confronted with a display that limits my view to one image in a row of 50. That's a problem because we live in a relativistic reality, meaning everything is related to everything ells. So I see this as a problem because how am I going to measure something when seeing one thing? Rating on some arbitrary feeling in this case also takes a lot of time (it actually has a relatively high level of boringness).

So usually when I am on image 30 to 40 I start to get annoyed and start rating furiously and lacking accurate judgment. I also get the feeling of being forced to look/rate things I don't want to. I'm pretty bad at this game (is my conclusion) so I stopped playing it all together.

I think even when you give me more points ore credits I still won't like to play the game.

A secondary problem (particular with me that is) is, rating someone down is not fun, so I have a tendency to stay in the middle with rating and then all of a sudden a supper quality work comes up and then the rating bar just not extents to the level I want to rate it.

I want to rate just things "I" want to rate, (sorry for pointing so hard to the I), you know we all experience this reality through a self, and it's not a problem (usually), the universe created the self for a reason, so accepting that and working with it usually works best.

So can't you for example display al 50 images at ones, and let the user just pick the things he likes? (pinterest example)

This would make rating a lot faster and more enjoyable.

And also, we see a low average assignment of likes on the older rating system, so that also clearly misses its effectiveness to engage the people to rate consistently.

Some conclusions:
We can see a spike of like assignments on things that where posted on the forum for the community to see. Al the rest do not really see any like assignments.

Hello Marius ,
Can I share some additional personal thoughts about the current rating system?
Don't get me wrong the work being done so far on this entire platform is remarkable.

So my experience (just as a snapshot of a single average artist/user) with the current new community rating system is as follows.

When I enter to play a rating game (that's how it currently is motivated I think?) I am being confronted with a display that limits my view to one image, in a row of 50. That's a problem because we live in a relativistic reality, meaning everything is related to everything ells. So I see this as a problem because how am I going to measure something when seeing one thing? Rating on some arbitrary feeling in this case also takes a lot of time (it actually has a relatively high level of boringness). So usually when I am on image 30 to 40 I start to get annoyed and start rating furiously and lacking accurate judgment. I also get the feeling of being forced to look/rate things I don't want to. I'm pretty bad at this game (is my conclusion) so I stopped playing it all together.

I think even when you give me more points ore credits I still won't like to play the game. A secondary problem (particular with me that is) is, rating someone down in not fun, so I have a tendency to stay in the middle with rating and then all of a sudden a supper quality work comes up and then the rating bar just not extents to the level I want to rate it.
I want to rate just things "I" want to rate, (sorry for pointing so hard to the I), you know we all experience this reality through a self, and it's not a problem (usually), the universe created the self for a reason, so accepting that and working with it usually works best.

So can't you for example display al 50 images at ones, and let the user just pick the things he likes? (pinterest example)

This would make rating a lot faster and more enjoyable.

And also, we see a low average assignment of likes on the older rating system, so that also clearly misses its effectiveness to engage the people to rate consistently.

Some conclusions:
We can see a spike of like assignments on things that where posted on the forum for the community to see. Al the rest do not really see any like assignments.

Theory about probable causes;
The average user don't spend time to crawl through all the website content to find nice stuff to assign a like, and secondary, the self is maybe plying a part in the form of competitor fear.

Posted over 9 years ago

Thanks iterateCGI for interesting insights, appreciate that - we'll definitely look into it.

Posted over 9 years ago

Having some short exposure to pinterest I think there's some interesting things to learn from that place (in using human resources to sort out things).

For example, I find myself to have tendency to categorize in a certain way (e.g. shapes, color, mood, etc.) where some others just seem to collect everything (total mess to me), but in the end both of the different tendencies have mutual benefits and its own particular followers.

I actually start to like those fellows hoe just seems to throw everything on a pile, it's fun to find treasures amongst those vast piles of stuff (to me that is), so I follow them.

The strange thing is, it seems there's also these fellows hoe just like to see some nice collections (not large piles of all stuff), and they start to follow boards like mine. It seems for every like there is a shoe that fits, some follow pile makers, others follow collection makers.

I think that is the core power of a good sorting out system, it is using these different tendencies/characteristics to its advantage to give everyone a shoe that fits.

This is an example to come to a point I made in the past about having own stores where everyone can collect his or her stuff he/her is into.

The idea is to have this collective of stores and a central hub/search engine (The CGtrader core platform), searching the collective would display al content as it is right now, same layout. The difference would only be visible once a user clicks to go and enter the designers place. There he would find a collection of the designers own products including a collection of his collected goods of whatever that designer is into. (mixed up or separated by custom menu) (see it a bit like the pin boards on pinterest).

Rating would be subject (include not limited) to the equation of how many times a given item is residing in different stores. Things would get sorted out really quickly.

And store owners hoe make a lot of effort to get traffic to their page could also make use of that traffic to sell work from other artists and get a bit of CGcredits in the process and so forth.(maximizing/optimizing traffic making/use)

So to some it all up: collective of stores, custom collections/referrals, crowd funding, crowd sourcing, user blogs, custom menu's, etc.

Can I have something like that to play with ;-)

Posted over 9 years ago

Thanks guys for sharing your feedback. iterateCGI you are right that it doesn't have sufficient ratings yet, but later on when it will get more ratings, the value will get more realistic.

As you probably know, we are working on refining the Rating system. It will be much more fun, it will recognize users who rate accurately and their values will be used for everywhere from indexing models to trending, etc. Also those users will get reputation points (all current accurate ratings will earn you reputation).

fabelar wrote
Thank you Marius. I think that if you would name a fixed number of "trusted raters" it could help.
Posted over 9 years ago

Maybe it has something to do with timing?

(Theory 1) when a model is new and gets to enter the rating system (for the first time) and the owner is amongst the lucky first few to see his model appear, he would probable give it a max rating. Consequently there are not so many other ratings (jet) to compare, thus the average outcome is high (for that give item).

However when more time passes and more people are rating and thus more numbers enter the equation, the actual value conforms to a more realistic representation against average rating statistics. Jet again when few people use the system to rate, the initial rating of the item will remain unchanged for a longer period of time.

(Theory 2) It's only a few hoe use the rating system and have a tendency to rate mostly between 5 and 6 and when they see own work appear rate higher (unlikely).

However if true then some models receive high rating against low average, making them stand out of average rating (and not necessarily the best work).

(Theory 3) a lot of people like some models very much for some reason you cannot understand ;-)

Posted over 9 years ago

what is that? @hans van bijon have maybe right, this must be check the team of the cgtrader

Posted over 9 years ago

I think some people rate their own models on different accounts

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