Rate the customer

Discussion started by sarj2010

I would like to have the opportunity to evaluate the customer.


Posted almost 3 years ago

Is it possible?

Posted almost 3 years ago

I don't know if they will allow that considering negative reviews, even though they may be well deserved, will probably cause the customer not to return. Of course, this can be a good thing, since the customer could be one who complains about insignificant things in order to get his money back and still keep the model.

sarj2010 wrote
Thank you for answer! I would like to have such an opportunity.
sunish wrote
Great point! What can secure seller's money if buyer sends unsatisfied reply with the model outcome in the given time, where actually the model would be good enough for there project! Noting that the buyer already got the model he wanted, and now might get the money back as well with the help of such reply. I am sure, there must be some way cgtrader checks the buyer's point of view too in the matter, may be some hidden reviews about the buyer which only seller of the model and cgtrader team can see! ?

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