Publishing Scores Differ

Discussion started by betsdebruyn

Good Day all,

I've searched through the topics but I don't see a similar post to what issue I have at the moment:
While editing a model sales page, the publishing score is 6.5 but once published, it's 3.0.
I have refreshed and gave it some time but there is another model with the same situation that I've uploaded a few days ago.

Could someone please advise?

Many Thanks


Posted over 4 years ago

I had a similar issue once - I think that's some kind of temporary bug that fixes itself after some time.
You can try to edit and save the model page again if it stays like that for a long time.
If it still does that, better contact support.

betsdebruyn wrote
I will give it a day or so, thanks!
trimitek wrote
You are welcome)
Posted over 4 years ago

i had same about a week or two ago. contacted support, but before got answer from them in the morning of next day issue was gone. so it "solved itself" during night. So must be less then 12 hours.

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