Preparing models for sale

Discussion started by MS--Studio

Hi everyone,

I ask for your help because i have some doubts about the presentation of models for sale.

1) In the preparation of the model, which textures should be included for buyers, only the baked textures or also the original textures used for the creation of materials?

2) Also, it seems more practical to merge all the meshes of an object into one part and bake the textures into one map. But then the buyer will be able to use them only if he also merges the model parts into one object. Or he keeps the parts separate and recreates the materials. But if an object consists of dozens of parts, it becomes very laborious and time-consuming for the buyer.

How do you guys typically do it?

Thanks for the advice!


Posted about 3 years ago

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Posted about 3 years ago

Best way in my opinion is a real example. There's too many technicals to go in to for each individual type of purpose/method; games, archviz, etc. So when I started I went through all the model packs I purchased and the ones I thought were the most useful in terms of production I emulate how they do it.

To answer your questions anything baked/merged is always difficult to edit as the buyer. If its a unique item with a particular look then its mostly ok - usually organic or hand crafted/painted things are usually not really in need of much editing if they look great or real-time assets.

If you plan on selling to archviz customers then real-world tileable full high resolution textures with materials separated as objects/object IDs are better. This way buyer can quickly darken all the glass at once, change the metal from gold to powder-coat black, etc. Real-world is the key here, if you set up your textures/uvs so they have uniform texel density then the customer doesnt have to resize things on their end they can just easily swap out your materials for theirs and it should work.

MS--Studio wrote
Thanks for the suggestions 3DCargo, real examples I don't know precisely.....I would like to make models in the field of mechanics, such as parts of cars or complete vehicles, engines, but also sci-fi themed models and also in the field of furniture. Definitely very detailed models.

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