Please help on how to create a vegetation atlas similar to the ones in Megascans

Discussion started by TechStudios

Hello, good morning, friends. A company recently contacted me and they asked me if I knew how to create vegetation atlases similar to those made in Megascans, or Maxtree, Globeplants, etc.

I couldn't accept the job offer because I still don't know how to create these atlases correctly.

I have investigated on the internet and I did not find any tutorial that teaches how to create atlases in this way.

I would like to know if anyone knows of a tutorial to create these atlases in a similar way?


Posted 10 months ago

Do you really want to get a job in a company with such conditions for applicants? I think it's better to look for something else.

There are a big number of educational materials on photography and photogrammetry but studying them does not guarantee that you will be able to create cool content.

In any case this is a huge investment of time and money. Buy some courses and learn how to create content no worse than a team with 15 years of experience, that doesn't happen.

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