Objects have non reset transforms(Model for Wildcat from Blender)

Discussion started by gonzaloip01

I'm trying to export a .fbx 3d model from Blender, but wildcat keep showing me the same error. I've applied all transforms, and the origin is on the center of the world, so it looks like this:

But it keep showing me the same error, I've tried using different export settings too. I tried importing the .fbx, and I always find strange transforms, like this:

Anyone has the same problem?


Posted about 3 years ago

yup, me too, ive wasted so much data that i just gave up.

Posted 11 months ago

nice to see i am not the only one, the answer from one of the people was " you need to learn how to do it, i have no issue with it..) they come of really really arrogant sometimes...and like you poster I exported from blender too freeze all the transformation, and have the z axes going up with meter instead of cm, but is still giving me the same error but sure is my fault, nothing is wrong with the system...

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