Model being suspended.

Discussion started by Sixa

I model 3D models and sell just like many of you. And sometimes we get reported for stealing a model and its actually annoying af because we actually modeled it. I have been reported several times that my models are stolen from other sites but actually arent. For example, i model a plane, i mean definitely there will be countless of 3D models of the same plane outside somewhere on other websites. I tried approaching cg trader team on this matter and all they said was my model is stolen from other websites just because their upload date is earlier than mine. Vertices,polygons, colours,materials and even certain place of the models arent the same at all. I think this is bs. And im bringing up this issue because recently i uploaded a model and it was reported the same day later. I did not go to cg team and clarify about the differences of the models bcoz they wont even care to check it. All they will do is say the 3D team checked and it is indeed stolen. Please remove your model bla bla bla. Then the next day i deleted that previous model and uploaded it again. It was reported again that same day. So im guessing it was done by the same idiot. And also it might be because his and my model is of the same type of plane model (im just using plane as an example) i guess or mine is definitely better because i model high quality models with realistic renders. So im sure he goes up searching for the model name everyday to report others' so his will stand out and those being reported will be gone. And im posting this with my second account because i want to protect my first account identity. Just wanna share with you guys this issue and im very sure alot of you experience this before as well. If you guys ever solved this, how?


Posted over 2 years ago

Man that sucks mate. Somebody claimes IP on your work. Can't you fight the actions at cgtrader?

Posted over 2 years ago

First, the problem here is that he/she said "models" plural, not "model" singular , wich means that they have found more than 3 models that are confirmed as stolen and he is banned. As soon as someone upload a single stolen model, his/her's intentions are clear, he/she come here to sell stolen models. In my opinion Cgt policy towards thieves is very flexible, you need more than 3 confirmed stolen models in order to get banned, so finding 3 confirmed stolen models on a single account is coincidence ? Yeah right... Second, it's imposible that two different persons model the same thing with same topology where every vertex position match and where one person uploaded it's model a year earlier... Of course thieves are constantly trying to proove that it can happend even on laser scanned models from forza motosport. Third, when you already decided to write on the forum, than post some proof, proof like multiple screenshots with 5000x5000 res where everyone can see how your model is constructed, how it match blueprints and show us clean quad topology wireframe without "see trough" option enabled. Than someone might believe you, otherwise those are just plain words, anyone can said that they are author of something that they aren't. 4th Explain to us this "just because their upload date is earlier than mine". So they just check date ? They didn't matched topology, vertex positions, textures. Really? Of course they just check the date.

Posted over 2 years ago

I would hope that CGTrader would do their due diligence and actually check the model carefully rather than just arbitrarily suspend a model just because someone reported it, unless your other account shows a history(proven or unproven) that the models you posted were from another site or that you were reported several times.
You could contact support and perhaps they could provide a more in depth review of your model and have it go under more scrutiny.

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