Missing models

Discussion started by LemonadeCG

Models disappearing again. I noticed that 7 models are missing from my collection. It would be nice to get them back...


Posted about 5 years ago

it is not clear how they can disappear

Posted over 6 years ago

I don't understand attitude of companies like BMW too. If I was owner or high manager of such a big company I would be very pride and happy that somebody makes 3D models of my products and people promote my products in movies or PC games and I don't have to pay anything for this advertising.
I have no other words than it is stupidity.

Posted over 6 years ago

Hi there,

We had to remove the models you mentioned from the marketplace due to the copyright claim from BMW. Apologies for inconvenience on behalf of CGTrader.


LemonadeCG wrote
Oh, that's quite a bummer. It looks that modelling branded products is becoming less appealing activity by every day :[ While i can understand deals like ford and turbosquid made about exclusive sales, it is quite a mystery to me, what companies like bmw are thinking when they actively tries to remove from the market all digital content based on their IP. So if one needs to create bmw commercial or movie with their cars, one is forced to use bespoke models for that? What a nonsense.

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