Loading Downloaded Content Into 3DS Max

Discussion started by dbva

I'm trying to understand why downloaded objects from CGtrader come into 3DS Max but usually lose the materials. I've downloaded the textures (when available) and/or images but they don't attach. I just get a blank 3D model.

Is there a tutorial somewhere? Basically I'm trying to import models into 3DS then export them as FBX to use in Lumion.

Trying to learn. Thanks


Posted almost 2 years ago

Because "downloaded objects" is like "polycount". What are they? OBJ? FBX? IGES? 3DS? DAE? etc. etc. etc.
Not all artists care about the material-management when exporting a native file, and not all exporters can perform that.
Your best chance is to look always if the native file complies with your sof package.

Posted about 2 years ago

if the thing you bought is in .max format it should have materials (make sure you make same folder structure as is intended by author of model)
if its .fbx, .obj or similar you will need to create materials and apply given textures. How to do it will depend on rendering engine used, so you need more info for finding a tutorial.

dbva wrote
Thanks for the reply. I finally figured it out and am moving forward. Appreciated the responses!
Posted about 2 years ago

Are they native 3dsmax formats or a different format?

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