Is Hyperwallet working well, and is it reliable ?

Discussion started by POLYXPER

Hi guys, what do you think about Hyperwallet ? Personnally, i'm not pretty confident in this system


Posted 6 months ago

Works for me, better than before actually. More payout options, weekly instead of monthly payments, instant payment delivery. Pretty much no different to any other stock site I sell on since I always just default back to paypal anyway, but at least you can use your countries currency or send straight to your bank etc.

Yeah, on that side, it seems incredibly amazing.
3DCargo wrote
I dont see any difference to be honest, I still rather monthly payments so its basically the same
mak21 wrote
I had sales on 2024-01-15 but I think they will be paid the following month... so it is written "To be paid until 20th of next month" they are not paid weekly... I think the customer is always left a period of reimbursement... last month's sales were paid to me correctly
Let's see what will happen ...
TazMan2000 wrote
Works as advertised for me.
Posted 6 months ago

Can we send from Hyperwallet to Payoneer? In my country, I can only receive payments via Payoneer.

3DCargo wrote
Can you receive via bank transfer? Which country are you in?
I do not know. I haven't received any payments recently yet.
Posted 6 months ago

If it works with Paypal infrastructure, Paypal is not used in Turkey. But I think direct bank transfer is possible.

3DCargo wrote
I dont think hyperwallet is available in Turkey, you would have to contact support, they say they can offer an alternative payment but havent heard of anyone who has done it yet. Radio silence usually when things work... complaints when it doesnt.
I'm living in France, so that i can't answer to that question. But you should try it. Love Turkiye !
Posted 6 months ago

That's the problem. The e-mails I sent to support have not been responded to for days.

I do not understand why they have change a proven system to something that is not working efficiently for everybody. It makes me so angry. Moreover, Hyperwallet has been imposed on us, it is not an option. It looks like Unity and its runtime fee ...
3DCargo wrote
Sorry to hear that, maybe wait a few more days then try again, only thing I can offer since they usually respond quickly but maybe they are getting lots of emails about this I would guess. It looks like Unreal FAB marketplace will also only support Hyperwallet, theres probably a bigger picture you need to look into if you are curious, my hunch would be its easier management for the marketplace and all financial stuff is handled by Hyperwallet, thus leveraging someone elses time instead of theirs to manage complaints etc.
3DCargo wrote
Paypal has never been great at communicating either, when I moved countries they held my money for 2 years without being able to get in contact with anyone, all noreply emails and no one to contact on their page, even their social media is a bot which doesnt respond to you so I guess in the end if it works it works, if it doesnt then you need to look elsewhere if thats something that you need.
TazMan2000 wrote
@POLYXPER, Most likely CGT wanted to simplify their payout system which had many ways to be paid out. It probably was becoming an administrative nightmare dealing with banks, and multiple payout systems and trying to track the money whenever there was a problem. I'm sure they knew that there would be many artists that wouldn't like the new payment system and that there would be some pushback with some artists leaving the site, but it was a business decision and not a personal attack on any artist or country.
Posted 6 months ago

If there is too much trouble, I will leave cgtrader. The advantage of this place for me is that the royalty rate is a little higher and I can communicate with the customer one-on-one. But if payments are going to be a problem, there is no point in stopping.

Yeah i think this would be the best solution for you. May God help you find a profitable way in this whole mess
Posted 6 months ago

I think that Cgtrader shows everyone that it is not a corporate company by not responding to anyone about the problem. Even in this case, if no one can be reached, none of our models or payments are secure.

What should we do, that's the question
Carmodels3D wrote
It shouldn't be that hard to explain this. I will slowly start trying different platforms. If payment is not received by the 20th of next month there seems to be no one to answer.
Posted 6 months ago

When will the first payment be made? I expected this Wednesday, but didn't receive it. Do I need to wait 20 days from the date of registration in Hyperwallet?

I know that you can change in payment agreement settings the frequency you receive your payments. I invite you to do this. If you've already checked the weekly option, then it'll very bad ...
pazurenko wrote
Where exactly should I look for these settings? I don't see this in Hyperwallet or CGtrader. I received payments every week through payoneer
Posted 6 months ago

When you read the first e-mail for the payment system carefully, it is said that it will be active in both systems. So cgtrader will continue to make payments regionally via Payoneer. I think they just rolled over this month's payments to the next month.

Is Payoneer a bank transfer system ?
Carmodels3D wrote
Same as Paypal. doing bank transfer.
So yeah, in theory, it should work.
Posted 6 months ago

I am from India, I used to receive money from CGTrader > Paypal > Bank, now with the new hyperwallet, not only did the Paypal system go, it removed the option of transferring money to Paypal. Now it shows only Bank transfer. I had $5.86 from last month sales. Yeah it's nothing :( then I tried transferring that so this happened. $5.86 reduced to $4.35 on Foreign exchange, got converted into INR (Indian currency) which came to Rs. 347.16. Now the MAGIC happens, I didn't notice that the so called "fee" for transferring this amount was Rs. 341.30 (LMAO) Hence what I received in bank was Rs.347.16 - Rs.341.30 = Rs. 5.86. The stars were so aligned LMAO. I received 5.86 in DOLLARS and got 5.86 in RUPEES in bank. Damn disappointed. Luckily it was just $5.

NV-Media wrote
"Now it shows only Bank Transfer" << By this I mean in the Hyperwallet page. No option of Paypal transfer visible to me.
It's quite the same thing for me. I do not any "Paypal" option. Only "Bank Transfer" ! What the heck is that ?!
Like you said, luckily it was 5$. How is this system really working ?!
NV-Media wrote
Okay, an update. The reason why I wasn't seeing Paypal transfer is because I was selecting "INR" currency as the transfer currency. Now when I switched it to "USD", Paypal transfer was visible and as I recollect, CGTrader used to transfer USD to my Paypal account. The fees is quite high on hyperwallet to transfer to bank account directly but to Paypal it is $0.3. So I hope the problem is solved for me though it came at a cost due to LACK OF INFORMATION FROM HYPERWALLET TEAM. I had to figure it out myself. Nobody from the CGTrader team pointed me in this direction.
shivamrustagi wrote
transfer currency INR se USD ka option kaha dekhga hyperwollet me?
NV-Media wrote
Add transfer method click karne pe shayad. Wahan pe currency set karne ki option rahegi.
Posted 6 months ago

I think it's better than Payoneer. Direct transfer to Bank.

Carmodels3D wrote
Payoneer also allows direct transfers to the bank. It looks like not much has changed. Artists who only used Payoneer had their payments transferred to the next month.
Posted 6 months ago

I just received an email from the support team. They stated that the number of support requests was very high and that they were trying to respond to everyone.

sourcefile wrote
wow its good. I think CGT have to allow more transfer option. We can chose our favorite one.
If they sent you such post, that mean lots of sellers have encountered issues. Hyperwallet isn't completely reliable !
Did you go there ?
Posted 6 months ago

I've received less via hyperwallet than what was stated in my earnings, even before the additional fees charged by hyperwallet on transfer.
Furthermore, the advertised "20 days" payout period was not met in my case at all, with funds still missing for days.

Personally, I choose refrain from publishing new content on the platform until I see improvement.

Thumbs up, man, good choice ! I think a collective action may end up by CGT retiring their current payout system
Posted 6 months ago

Already get 2 payments to Hyperwallet without problems. Yes there are some additional charges but we have what we have.

Posted 6 months ago

Anyway I would like to have a chose.

I agree with you !
Posted 6 months ago

They sent me a payment of only 6 dollars. Is this a joke or a prank?

armodel wrote
They send you money for the projects that was done 20 days ago.
Posted 6 months ago

this is incredible. But what about payments once a week?

In the contract, it is "written" that we can choose between weekly payments and monthly payments. But I'm hearing more and more people saying that weekly payments do not work as intended !
TazMan2000 wrote
You will receive payments every week, but only after a 20 day waiting period on each sale.
Posted 6 months ago

I can't understand how this will work. Will each payment from a sold 3D model come separately after 20 days?

TazMan2000 wrote
It basically works the same as before. Previously, all sales in a month were paid out 20 days after that month ended. Now all sales in a week are paid out 20 days after the week ends.
So basically, it's like a honey trap. They say to you Oh you have the "CHOICE" to choose between weekly and monthly payments, but in the fact, it is not the case for everybody. Marketing rules are changing unfortunately, and it is so sad to see that ... I've already experienced that with Unity !
Posted 6 months ago

I also wrote a letter to CGTreder support, but they didn’t answer me. I have been working with CGTreder for many years and have made a lot of money for CGTreder. I wish there was a little more respect. Moreover, my country is now at war and every dollar matters to us as support.

TazMan2000 wrote
CGTrader support is very busy now answering emails and complaints about this new payment system that was basically 'dropped' on us. Many upset members that don't get an immediate answer are sending in requests and emails over and over, which overwhelms the system, and causes further delays. Keep track of your sales and payment information in "My Sales" from the dropdown list.
May God help you, my friend !
Posted 6 months ago

Works for me, better than before actually. More payout options, weekly instead of monthly payments, instant payment delivery. Pretty much no different to any other stock site I sell on since I always just default back to paypal anyway, but at least you can use your countries currency or send straight to your bank etc.

3d-bug wrote
Sorry, but how you can wrote that if you do not have any models in your profile? And rating of your profile: -
3d-bug is right ...
Posted 5 months ago

I'm living in France, so that i can't answer to that question.

Posted 5 months ago

I don't know if this is related to Hyperwallet or no, however, 20 days passed since my sales on Jan 27 and 30, but there is no transfer to Hyperwallet. It's the second month I see delays in transfer.

Hyperwallet seems to work differently depending on where we live.
TazMan2000 wrote
A I understand it, Its 20 days until your sales become available for payment. if your sale was the 27 then that would make the 15 of February the availability date. Payments are on Wednesdays, so you missed that date by one day. It should be available to you on the next Wednesday.

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