Improve exposure in Asian countries

Discussion started by iterateCGI

Hello folks, I have a bit of a question here.

Does someone up here perhaps happen to know of any good CG portfolio websites most popular in the Asian countries?

Something similar like Artstation and Behance but then maybe Asian version?
Does that even exist because it looks surprisingly hard to find that?

I tried many different word combinations and advanced search by location (with Google) in combination with translate, just a bunch of things actually, but no luck.

Does this mean Chinese do not have anything of this sorts of their own and just get to same places like we do here in west?

The reason I'm asking is because I notice most of my sales comes from US and all other major countries mostly in west.

Now many online sources claim market in east is so big, so where are they then?

My reasoning would be I probably need to present my work on some popular Asian sites so tips are welcome ;-)


Posted over 7 years ago

Awesome topic! No I do not but I would love to know if you find out. I did not know about Artstation either. is it good?

Posted over 7 years ago

Maybe could be your way. Did you try that out?

iterateCGI wrote
Problem is text looks like some abstract shapes ;-) Meanwhile I just found out via Similarweb that Drawcrowd is something popular in east but its popularity has dropped significantly in last 4 months, looks like it's going down completely. As I can remember this was something feng zhu (top concept artist) stared way back, maybe he sold it to someone hoe is not able to manage it? Anyways, completely different type of art on it right now, site is unrecognizable from what it started out, not my cup of thee.
Posted over 7 years ago

As far as I know artstation is most popular portfolio website out there.
Some stats here (
So something in order of 15 million visits a month.

It is safe to say it has great global reach but different site analytics give it contradicting results as to where traffic is exactly coming from.

According to Alexa it gets most traffic from China but probably "similarweb" provides more representative figures?

It's hard to get correct perspective via these ranking website as they often largely contradict, but it can provide some average view.

Artstation is a great portfolio website and it provides a personal free website that you can customize to your own likes.

It is however relatively hard to get good position on Artstation as new work is coming in at a rate of around 15 a minute.

There are three main stages, stage one "Community picks" is the stage for most popular works that get past other two stages with great success (you could say this is hall of fame).

Stage two is the stage for "trending" this is a look at work that gets lots of attention from viewers in last (third)stage. This last stage is basically view on all new work coming in.
As I point out previously it gets new work at a rate of around 15 a minute (more in weekend) so after few hours your work is beyond normal viewing and beyond reach to potentially get in stage two (except when you can pull in traffic from somewhere ells that is).

Your new post basically needs views and likes at a rate of around 50 an hour (in first 3 hours)to get in stage two where it can pick up some more views. Stage two runs a bit slower, around two to three days to potentially pick up some more views and followers, after that it drops flat.
Possibly best one can do is post new work (top work).

Some try to hack the system and post same work again after a day or sow but the community is very sharp for that sort of things and you will get yelled out very rapidly or even get banned + your reputation gets damage.

You basically need to deliver top of the line work and deliver it preferably ones every week to get past the bell curve and get to stage one "the Community picks". Ones you are past the bell curve you get views and likes at exponential rate for longer time.

I'm far below this bell curve and so is 90% of artstation members, you basically need to deliver top work fast (things that get you lots of views or likes and most importantly followers).

Note; this all has only meaning if ranking in top 10 is your goal or get good exposure for means of market own products.

Getting in traffic from other places can help and participating (giving likes and comments) also helps to get some views and likes, but definitely not at a rate to get in top 10.

If you manage to get more followers on Artsation then it gets a bit more easy because when you post something new they will get notified (even by email) and then they usual immediately review it and rank it if they like it, so that can get you in stage two more often.

I know, it's a mad house, but you got to love it, however things can be a little frustrating at times when you just want some attention ;-p

Here is how it currently works for me, If I post something new it usually is just good enough to get me in the trending stage for two days and that gets me a total of around 200 views, 10 likes and around 4 new followers, then it falls flat because 10 meter of snow is on top of me, so going up is slow process.

But apart from that it's a wonderful place to hang out and discover amazing works and get inspired.
Also its one of best looking portfolio websites out there, so having your portfolio up there is great way to show off.

This is me on artstation (
And the website (

You can easily register and get your own one.

Mantas-Talmantas wrote
Just wondering - how much time do you spend liking commenting etc on artstation? how often do you post to receive these 2000 views? is it like everyday? and if so, if you stop would you lose all traffic? hope its not too personal questions. just trying to asses time and effort needed to reach your level :)
Posted over 7 years ago

Cool! Thanks guys! I will check the sites out!!

Posted over 7 years ago

Hi iterateCGI,

thanks for raising this question and I would say that is indeed a very good and interesting topic.

At CGTrader we also see quite some buyers coming from Japan, South Korea and China. We have just started looking into local cg scene there: however, as you said yourself - those seem to hide :) A few japanese pages we found (though they are more like news outlets rather than communities):

Also, if you ever need some reference to CGT for japanese speakers, we have main information about CGT in japanese here:

Gina, CGTrader

benoit3d wrote
Thank you for the links. I see a lot of good japanese content on twitter. Unfortunately I can t really interact because of the langage.
Posted over 7 years ago

Aha that's interesting, thanks Ginville.

I'm going to look into that and if I manage to get some attention in that space I will indeed reference the page you provided ;-)

I presume in Chinese those would be different characters?
Maybe you have it in Chinese as well?

ginvile wrote
Hi, Chinese is different and we don't have it yet, but we are thinking about this as well and hope to have it in a few weeks time. Will post it here once it is live ;)
iterateCGI wrote
Thanks Ginvile ;-)
Posted over 7 years ago

I chose CGTrader itself to be both my portfolio and marketplace due to its great UI. I always present the link to clients or webpages I visited.

Posted over 7 years ago

@Nixonpang, that is indeed true and feel same way about it, but I'm looking to spread my work on more websites for marketing purposes and drive traffic to my page and CGtrader as a whole.

Do you maybe happen to know about websites that are perhaps more exclusively popular on east side? Or would you consider most just share same places like we do (in west) (for example websites like Artstation etc.).

Or would you consider that everything east side is just more scattered?

I find it hard to grasp the surfing characteristics of eastern side of the world.

I see you are from Malaysia and according to online sources English is widely understood in your country?

Maybe that has something to do with the 7 different languishes spoken in Malaysia?
As a consequence it would probably be safe to argue that Malaysians have about same surfing characteristics of western half of the world?

I'm looking to get some more understanding about Chinas internet surfing characteristics.
I know Baidu is very popular search engine overt there?
So I suppose it is somewhat same story over there as we have it over here.
We use mostly Google and it shows mostly websites of the west (it could penetrate east but most westerns just look at the things they understand).

Vise versa Baidu probably shows more websites from east (it can penetrate west but most easterns just look at the things they understand)?
You probably use Google right, and English to search?

My conclusions so far is that east side is more on itself having less websites that really go globally (supporting western languishes)?

Anyways my view is far from clear, basically have no clue.

Posted over 7 years ago

I just had a fast look on the, which also comes as an app. I found several graphic design companies there all based in China. I dont know about what it cost to advertise there. But it look like a place with oppertunities.

Posted over 7 years ago


I'm not to eager to spend money on advertising, in general I just seek to cooperate for mutual benefits also for CGtrader community and to make a case for 3D stock media development as a whole.

So feel free to post the links here ;-)

I'm mostly looking for things like artstation or behance and the sorts, but then maybe Asian versions, if that exists? Also CG news websites that would be interested in my content/story about 3D stock media development are welcome.

The thing is they usually are also looking for content to be able to run a news site and build own label, so my story may have some value if they deem it worthy.

To that end Ginvile already has posted some interesting links to follow up, but more are always welcome.

Posted over 7 years ago

Maybe i'm wrong, but i think that eastern people with english language knowledge, have no problems to reach your content, because they already use cgtrader, artstation, facebook, and so on. And those who don't speak english, they are out of your reach anyway. How do you suppose to communicate with them?

Posted over 7 years ago

That is true Limonadinis however when it comes to the Chinese market it can sometimes be a different story. The reason is that they are very exclusive in the sites they use. Some of them you need to hack through the Chinese firewall to use so most people don't even bother trying to use them like facebook and youtube that are banned in China. The other thing is that in China people follow trends a lot and therefore if CGT is not trending there they are not even likely to bother to try it.
China is a really great market to get into if you know what you are doing but if not you can't make any money out of it...

Posted over 7 years ago


That is right limonadinis, they indeed reach my content and CGtrader as a whole, it is also noticeable in the sales statistics of my own account, but percentage wise it is much lower than sales from US and the rest of western half of the world. In general one would suppose it to be larger considering population size in east?

I to believe it probably has most to do with the languish barrier, I hope to overcome it through maybe use of translator software?

On other hand I notice it probably also has to do with some things Marvimation is pointing out, so they are using own search engine, have own social media, soon they have own operating systems etc., so it feels like they are slipping away further out of reach?

On other hand the technology's of translating are advancing, so languish should be less of a problem in near future, but if governments and large cooperation's are out to protect own interest and systematically discourage global communications and running everything trough own systems then they would probably succeed?

Anyways, maybe CGtrader could consider opening an Asian version up there, and having local staff run it and deal with Asian customers and all the local internet stuff up there? ;-p

Or Maybe just have an Asian representative in staff that deals with everything Asian (maybe that's already the case)?

Posted over 7 years ago

Well China is an exceptional country. They have become super intelligent in the way they run their businesses. They were able to change the way America works. In the past America was the business capital of the world. Now China has overtaken them by a lot. It is crazy these days in some places in America it is easier to find a high paying job if you can speak Chinese compared to just speaking English alone. So things have really changed. China looks out for themselves and they have figured out that keeping an exclusive market within their country is very beneficial to them because non Chinese speakers can't really get in. On the other side they are able to also bring business in that they really want and create businesses out of China that again benefit them alone. That is what The USA used to do but they have learned to do it even better and use the language barrier as a weapon as most Europeans and Anglosaxon populations really struggle learning it.

Posted over 7 years ago

Asian country. not interested. they have low quality works

miaomiao3d wrote
You are very arrogant and ignorant Terressio92. Have you even been to China? Have you been to Japan? Seriously man! You need to get out there more and open your mind. They have some amazing artwork and artists in Asia.
Posted almost 6 years ago

and what about instagram? i see usa has biggest user number 120m. but next we have brazil 61m. india 59m. indonessia 56m. turkey 34m. russia31m. iran24m. japan 23m uk 23m. does anyone uses instagram for traffic?

LemonadeCG wrote
I tried to use instagram to attract some traffic, but soon dropped that idea, hard to upload, nearly impossible to direct users to your product as it doesn't support hyperlinks. I saw some sellers trying actively promote their models, but it's hard to say wether it creates some traffic to cgtrader, as mostly there's just useless like4like follow4follow crap. Not worth the time and effort IMHO.

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