I not getting paid

Discussion started by caixindiok

I sold a lot of models and I don't receive any money,I not getting paid


Posted over 6 years ago

Hi there,

I'll check your status with people responsible for payments and let you know when I have any updates.

Eddie, CGTrader

Posted over 6 years ago

Hi again,

I can see that the last change of your payment agreement was October 26th - which is today. The payments were already made, and we urge our sellers to fill their agreements before the payment day.

Our administrators will confirm the payment agreement if it is alright, but please wait until the next payments are made.

Eddie, CGTrader

andriy115599 wrote
Hi, Help me I not getting paid I have many 3D models which are not yet uploaded to cgtrader. I want to load all the models. The problem is that I don't get the money from sales of 3D models.
eduardas wrote
Hi Andriy, I see you've chosen Webmoney as your payment method. Webmoney or Wire transfers have $200 minimal payout limit. You can try switching to Payoneer or reaching the mentioned $200 and the payment will reach you.
Posted over 6 years ago

use paypal account for comfortable and easily paid.
so easy process.
just go to google and create paypal account.

Posted about 1 year ago

Hi, Help me I not getting paid

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