I Need Suggestions for Higher Model Scores

Discussion started by MrEye

Hello everyone!

Although I pay attention to many important points (like more images, different formats, description length, tags etc.) most of my models have remained between 6.0-7.0 points. I have few models which has higher than 7.0 points, but i don't exactly know how they have that point. I've done the same thing with the others, but it's not giving me the same points always.

What should be done to get a 7.0 or higher score? What can you suggest and what advice you can give to get a better score? I'll appreciate if you can help me and other people who need suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Posted about 3 years ago

Agree with iterateCGI... The score is not that important to sales. When I purchase models, I look at the model for general quality, the polygon and vertex count to determine if the model is too big for my intended use, the wireframe image (again to look at general quality of the model). I do think the wireframe image is important - many professionals purchasing models need quads, not triangles, and they need to learn whether the model has good geometry in all the right places. As an occassional purchaser of other people's models, I also look for some indication the model is well UV mapped, and the more comprehensive the written description is, the better. If the textures applied are relevant to my intended use, I look to see if these are well-described also.

I'm guessing that most potential purchasers do the same. A hundred different images are only useful if the model is very complicated and many different kinds of details should be shown. But five different views of an apple is a waste of time.

The matter of lots of tags might be a little bit debateable. Most purchasers are going to search on about three search words/keys. You need at least three tags to position the model in most people's search paths, and then a couple that might help in differentiating your model from those of others in the general category. But after that, I suspect lots of tags are of marginal value.

MrEye wrote
Thank you so much! You also gave me great tips! Like you told, i always add a wireframe image of my model but didn't show the uv's. You are right, i definitely will add additional UV map images for my models and show how i unwrap them. Also i like your apple example. Sometimes i'm thinking i don't need too much images for a particular model, because it looks the same from different angles. Thank you again, i'll consider your suggestions!
Posted about 3 years ago

Elaborate description (longer = more points), more file formats, more images and tags maxed out.

Anyways, don't force it because its not a very big deal, I’m having models with scores above 9 and models in score 7 range that do as well as those above 9 models. Its just a reminder some things could be better but it does not actually mean things are bad and impact sales negatively.

For example, you can have models in demand with lesser images and basic description (score7) that perform better then models in lesser demand with lots of images and elaborate descriptions (score 10).

MrEye wrote
Thank you for the tips! When I see scores like 6.8 or 6.4, I actually feel bad. I was thinking I could do better, but if you say so, I'll try my best and keep them on minimum 7 score. Thanks again, i'll consider your suggestions!
Posted about 3 years ago

Well, I have very few Models in my collection but I think my sale is preety okay... but my score is in range 6-7 only SO dont think about score... Render quality is important and just hit at least 6 average score... thats enough.

MrEye wrote
Thank you so much!
Posted about 3 years ago

Make sure you add all 20 tags, at least 10-15 screenshots, decent length description and as many file formats as you can eat.

MrEye wrote
Thank you for the tips!
Posted almost 3 years ago

I think that scores aren’t the most important thing you can do to get sales/downloads, and if your models have 7+ scores, you’re all set. And I’ll be honest, I don’t do very good with the scores, my highest is around 6 and I’ve had some as low as 3 or 4, but they still get a decent amount of views compared to my higher rated models.
And sometimes even my 4 rated models get more views and downloads than my 6 rated models simply because it is a better model.
So I think you should worry that much about scores, yours seem pretty good already.

MrEye wrote
Thank you so much!
Posted almost 3 years ago

https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/4962878313490462939/511668533009022632 I also did a video on uploading to CGT, https://youtu.be/Ma8Iuai8g74

Hope these help :)

MrEye wrote
Thank you! I watched the video and now I know I'm doing it right.

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