I did not get payment [solved]

Discussion started by radju988

I did not get payments this month. Please cgtrader team, investigate this issue. Thank you!


Posted over 6 years ago

Thank you for info. Just one more question. When I fix this issue with paypal, will i recieve payment immediately or i must wait next month? Best!

eduardas wrote
Hi, Well, the normal process is to wait for the next month - but do try contacting me for futher info once you get clarification from Paypal and we'll see what we can do then.
Posted over 6 years ago

Hi there,

I can see that the paypal issued this reason:
Error code 3148 Receiver's address is in a non-receivable country or a PayPal zero country

You can either contact the paypal to clear out the issue with receiving payments, or trying to switch to Payoneer payment method, which should allow you to receive payments without problems in the future.


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