I am going to start a list to promote artists who are making great models but just are not getting the views (borrowed from the first popular discussion)

Discussion started by zanfina

I am going to start a list to promote artists who are making great models but just aren't getting the views. (Part 2)

There is a lot of original brilliant content out there that never gets seen or goes on the main page of CGT.

Feel free to pitch in everyone!

If you like an artist on CGT who makes original work that is not copied exactly from something else and you want to help her / him get noticed (Post that cgtrader link in the comments)

1, https://www.cgtrader.com/morph3d

2. https://www.cgtrader.com/esmilesvfx

3. https://www.cgtrader.com/miaomiao3d


Posted over 4 years ago

zanfina wrote
Yeah, they are.
Posted over 4 years ago


zanfina wrote
Yeah, they're really good.

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