FBX file size issue

Discussion started by uzairali

I've made an interior model in 3ds Max and want to export it to .fbx and import it into Unity. I've done this once without problems. But this time, my .max file is 2,8MB and my .fbx file came out a huge 630MB!
any solution to decrease the fbx file size as max file ?


Posted about 3 years ago

hi all....hope all are doing well...plz help, i have no idea ,, i need to export a file to FBX, with 45.7k tris, 340 bones and around 50assets nodes(geo and grps) with animation, FBX size is around 40mb,,,..... now i optimized it to 18k tris, 192 Bones, 14assets nodes but now FBX file size is 41mb ! ! tried so many times but size is around 40to 41mb !! what actually determining the size,, i am using same settings in both files.

tyresebro1 wrote
hi all....hope all are doing well...plz help, i have no idea ,, i need to export a file to FBX, with 45.7k tris, 340 bones and around 50assets nodes(geo and grps) with animation, FBX size is around 40mb,,,..... now i optimized it to 18k tris, 192 Bones, 14assets nodes but now FBX file size is 41mb ! ! tried so many times but size is around 40to 41mb !! what actually determining the size,, i am using same settings in both files. https://blossomfurnishings.com/acrylic-rectangle-dining-table/
Posted about 3 years ago

If you have many images used as texture files, check to see if the images need to be as large, in the max scene, as they are in their original version.

For example, maybe you have an image whose original size is 1024 x 1024, but, you are using it to texture something very small, such as a door knob. If this is the case, then reduce the original image to 256 x 256, and re-apply it in your scene. It won't make a difference to your scene, but it will make a big difference to the texture space size in rendering the image, and it will make a big difference to the *.fbx file. If your scene is calling many big images, that do not need to be this big, it will make a great difference in your exported *.fbx file size.

uzairali wrote
thankyou forester. its really informative.
Posted about 3 years ago

Over time 3ds Max tends to accumulate all sort of garbage data in a scene, which is invisible to user, but may slow down work with the scene and inflate saved file size. I don't think that Max has built in tools for cleaning that garbage. You can enter specific commands in maxscript listener window to clean the mess up, but it's easier to use some cleaner script for that. There are plenty of them in the wild, some of them are free to use, some are commercial. I prefer Prune scene cleaner, since it's also acts as a good virus catcher and is actively maintained and constantly updated.

uzairali wrote
thankyou LEMONADE. i am going to download this script.i hope it'll work.
Posted about 3 years ago

oh yes i have many images . can you tell me what does it mean garbage accumulation ? is there any cleaner script by default in 3dsmax ? or should i download from site ?

Posted about 3 years ago

One of the reasons can be embedded images - if your scene has many textures and "embed media" is checked in export settings. This can greatly increase file size.

Another reason can be garbage accumulation. Try to clean your max scene with some cleaner script from hidden animation layers, track notes and other garbage before exporting to FBX.

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