Experience with Wildcat freelancer platform from CGTrader

Discussion started by bishopx

Hello all,

I started with freelancer tasks on wildcat platform, but I couldn't find too many reviews/experiences from other people.

Is there anybody who would be willing to share his experience, how many models can he finish in a day, how is the pay in per hour basis... etc. anything you would like to pitch as good and mention something to be aware of.



Posted about 3 years ago

You can check the library of materials and the project you will take and see if it covers what you need.

Reviews take too long. if feedback was received quickly, projects could be finished in no time and everyone would win.
Time is money

Posted about 3 years ago

Don't bother it's a waste of time. The review process takes too much, you are not allowed to take on another task in the meantime(at least that's how it was when I started), nobody is answering your questions (you are basically a slave). the payment is way too low for the amount of work, the reviewers are very picky and after 3 rounds your task is simply marked as failed (rejected with a generic message).

LegendaryMemer1337 wrote
Mmmmm, nice. I guessed that picking a job instantly without bidding is too good to be true.
Posted about 3 years ago

I second this question. I got approved at wildcat, but I'm cautious about it. Especially about using their custom library of materials.

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