Do I have right to refund a project?

Discussion started by joehwandesign

I don't know what the situation I'm put myself in. I am not play victim and understand the perspective of the designer. but what is the best solution to make it WIN WIN.

- When I start a Project, and many designers come to apply with his works. some of the work they show seem too good to be real.

- If I decide to pick one of them I have to prepaid full price before He/Her start working. which is fine if He / She is really capable.

- But what if He / Her start working and I just don't think He / She is a right person and I want to cancel. and don't want to fix or spend more time cost more money or more chance for paid for His / Her time but not for work I want.<< If I don't want to wait until finish or got a file. I just want to cancel and pick guy number 2 that I think he's a better bet now.

- My situation is after very first saw the actual work my gut tell me to cancel. I try to contact CGTrader and tell him I will cancel and pay him some for his time. But he asking me for more days to improve and I fall for it.

- Same thing going on and on, He don't really follow or pay attention to the ref or make a progress until last minus. he only spend 30 mins when I asking for update (He work on many projects at a time because he will pop up and offer his service in every Project create)

- He bring Ego fight sometime about how long he work as freelancer and how he become Grand Master as 3D Artist and always say "I never fail". But so far I don't like the work and there is not much progress.

- He has many stories with pictures about why he cannot make a progress or pay attention. many works at a time, something happen to his GF, His culture to not work on Weekend, He has to hang out with family, need to go bank, not in the office, etc.

- My project go on about month and half He broke every promises, use all the excuses, still take new project and finish it during my project. He don't want to give the update don't tell me what he is doing and say I can cancel if I want to.

- I take his offer, I contact CGTrader but they need him to confirm to refund. which he's don't. but I know it's a Ego fight. He don't have progress to show and don't want to talk, act like he's don't care if I want to cancel. I feel he act very immature at this point. plus with lazy behavior always working halfway or only in last minus. I want to leave him alone but CGTrader hold my money.

- I try have him to set a deadline he think he could finish and stick with it(for the last time) hope I can either finish the project or fail and cancel. when the deadline come and get rid of him soon.

So, When this situation happen I feel like I can't do anything. my money is on hold, I don't get my work. I can't move on to new artists(because I don't know how the work is going until the end) artist just tell me to wait and calm while he took new easy project to finish. each project took about 2 weeks to finish so he finished 3 projects during my project. and he don't hesitate to broad about it.

My suggestion is a "Surrender" option that allow buyer to pay 1:5 1:3 1:2 and cancel at the very beginning if customer think he is a wrong person. and this option should be agreed in term and service for both. no need for staffs to review and decide should allow refund or not cause It's difficult if the work just done 10% but the money already on hold 100%.

so what do you think?


Posted over 2 years ago

I think that you should have the option

Posted over 2 years ago

Refund is definitely an option if both sides agree that colaboration is no longer possible. You both just need to contact the support and confirm that you agree to cancel contract and ask for a full, or partial refund. However if demand for refund is unilateral, then things are more complicated, you need to provide reasonable evidence that designer is not capable to handle the project in satisfactory and timely manner. If you set the deadline for the project and it has been overdue by the designer, then it shouldn't be complicated to ask and to get partial refund. If deadline wasn't set, then there still should be reasonable amount of time after which project can be considered as stalled. You mentioned one and a half month, which i think is plenty enough even for complex project and you should have the right to ask for refund, especially if designer doesn't show significant progress and only throws excuses why he can't finish the project.

Posted over 2 years ago

It is a subject to be mutually understood. As with face-to-face business.

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