Community ratings not working?

Discussion started by van90

I just recently found out about community ratings sounds like a fun way to gain reputation points. But when I wanted to do it it said you already reached your daily goal. Is it just me or is it broken?


Posted almost 2 years ago

It is broken for 2 or 3 years now.

van90 wrote
that's sad, not fair for people like me who haven't been on this site too long. I saw many people that gained tens of thousands of points only from community ratings
LemonadeCG wrote
It served no purpose, other than "forcing" some people to spend hours and hours of their time to grind few reputation points. You'd much better spend that time in making new models. The only sad thing about this, is how they left this dead carcass to rot, not willing to clean the site from old artefacts.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
As far I know, the CGT team has no plans to restore this page, at least for the near future. At the same time, even if you get 500K reputation points right now, this would practically not change anything with sales or popularity so don't worry.
Forester wrote
Good advice, guys. No point in wasting time with artificial ways of gaining a reputation.. Just focus on making great products.
Posted almost 2 years ago

Not sure, but it sounds like they don't want people just giving tons of ratings every day and inflating results so they put a cap on how many votes you can make each day.

van90 wrote
but I didnt do any voting for it to say that i reached the limit
Posted almost 2 years ago

Thanks guys for the tips. I'm just trying to figure out what can I do to get more people to see my models

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