Cgtrader Question on Response Rate and General Freelancing

Discussion started by bluishglacier

Hey I'm a new freelancer I just wanted to ask what exactly is the meaning of the response rate? For example I have a client with a response rate of 33%, does this mean I have confirmation to start on the project or does it mean I have been mildly accepted and have to wait? Additionally do you absolutely need to receive a notification of prepayment or some soft of notification to begin?


Posted about 2 years ago

Response rate shows how often a member is responding to personal messages, it has nothing to do with the freelancing. The answer to your second question is yes, you absolutely do need to receive notification about the prepayment, unless you like to work for free.

Posted about 2 years ago

It means NOTHING. 90% of clients offers are shit. 90% of job seeking/searching is also shit. Any "freelance job" is shit (on CGtrader, Upwork or on any other platform).
But YES, if clients response rate is low, better is to not start any jobs before the prepayment.

bluishglacier wrote
When you say it's shit I understand what you mean. However if you keep freelancing on any site for that manner won't you grow your reputation and have higher chances to get accepted every time? Won't it also increase your sales for a shit passive income eventually? Lastly on average how much side money can freelancing provide on average if you do it on 3 different sides in a month?
Posted about 2 years ago

All you freelance projects, should be started only if they have been green lighted with the pre payment.

The response rate, gives you a hint on what kind of customers they might be, but it is only one of a lot of variables to consider.

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