cgtrader a scam for designers?

Discussion started by hudinib

I’ve been doing some
models in the past month, like any human being I need to make money and would
love to do something I have interest and can became better at, so I started
trying out cgtrader, the offered money is not much, with makes it seem legit,
in a way. And then you have the points you earn to eventually double your pay.

I failed 2 tasks, that
I admit I did not do the best job, and the 24-hour time limit adjustments didn’t

Then I finally started
doing one well, and everything was going smoothly, until the adjustments talked
about some artifacts related to the texture. I tried loads of things in the
preview engine with no results, in my computer on 3ds max I couldn’t see these
artifacts. I asked for help to the person checking the model, he never answered
back, every issue was addressed, only some pixel or artifact remained, and it
was strange because it was a flat surface with flat textures, I tried many
versions of textures and provided uncompressed PNG versions in the upload.

And like a bot the reviewer
marked the task as failed, even after I message him multiple times to clarify
and help me.

I’ve been doing 3D jobs
for almost 10 years, and I always have some interaction with the client, I’m
just sad to see that all this work was for nothing. Specially when this was a
problem that could’ve been solved in seconds.

Point being, cgtrader
now has a full model with UVS, textures, with I spend hours doing, for some little
money, and no feedback from this person.

Now I’m thinking, are
they doing this to hundreds of designers? make them work and just reply

“oohhh, there’s a pixel
in the model, task marked as failed”

Shouldn’t there be
some protection against these schemes? like put watermarks on the textures,
maybe even on the models.

What type of reassurances
do we have in this site? Isn’t this the perfect scheme to make people work for
free? They could simply sell the model to some client and we, the designers,
will never know.

I’m even more worried
when I start reading the comments about designers complaining about the work

This situation needs
to be exposed, this makes feel like talking to my lawyer, but obviously it’s a bit
ridicules when it’s less than 30$, with cgtrader is expecting all the workers to

I’m just sad, furious
and super tired….


Posted almost 3 years ago

You should to post some screenshots of the problem (if it's posible) so that people here can see what you are talking about, texture artifact sometimes can be a big problem sometimes don't, it depends. As I said to a person that opened similar topic couple days ago, something that looks ok/good/perfect to you doesn't necessarily mean that it looks like that in someone else's eyes. Some peoples are up to the task, some don't and that's it. For example that person on the other topic make a claim that is imposible to create smooth low poly organic game model with a budget of 45k polygons with texture no bigger than 2048x2048, which is absurd, and he/she accused wildcat for unrealistic requirements.

Posted almost 3 years ago

I’m confident that CGtrader works with a highly professional team, not a bunch of scammers.
Next time you have a problem and the team is not instantly available, try using the forum to ask for help.

Posted almost 3 years ago

hello i m not a cgtrader employee but i am a starter
i think cgtrader is good cause i had some error when uploading a 3d model for wildcat test, it showed an error,i asked cgtrader about it they sent an email for me to clarify it
but now i have an error and they couldnt help,they told they are the marketing team so i had to contact wildcat
if u have asked for help from them on weekend they can't answer as they were not working
it would be nice if u helped me

Multiple or none UV channels found in objects
i get that error when i submit and as u have lot of experiance pls help me
regards pluppy

Posted almost 3 years ago

Hi, i know there is a slack channel where the admins are a lot more responsive. Just conttact and they will be able to add you to the slack group.

Posted almost 3 years ago

Compared to other similar sites, I think CGTrader does a good job, but there are still some problems that can not be ignored. I hope it can filter out low quality customers

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