3d Scanner Quality

Discussion started by jabosco

Has anyone noticed if the scanned object meshes usually have jacked up meshes?

I'm hoping the bad models I've seen lately are bad scans and not people modelling that poorly. Of course if it is a bad scan, why aren't they going in to clean up the meshes? Have you noticed? Your thoughts?


Posted over 2 years ago

ok, got it. yes indeed poor photography in photogrammetry leads to holes and weird artifacts in mesh, and it makes life harder in the sens that you are dealing with millions of triangles so you cannot manually clean it up and need to rely on auto clean up tools, that sometimes work but not always. and iam not well informed on how / why things dont always work out nice in ladir 3d scanners. At least reality capture in photogrammetry side of things does a descent job in decimation and has topology correction tools. it still gives you triangles, but no non manifold geometry. I guess in many cases people who scan / sell things are not necessarily good 3d modelers, and its just extra step / time to clean up geometry, so not everyone does it.

Posted over 2 years ago

What programs do you use?

Posted over 2 years ago

What exactly do you mean by "jaked up" meshes? generally in 3d scanning or photogrammetry you get a point cloud of verts, that are at meshing stage connected to triangles.
and if you want quad based mesh you go through a process of retopology, usually in 3d soft like maya / max / blender /etc. so a raw scan is always a triangulatted mess.

jabosco wrote
oh, my spelling, 'jacked up'; faces folded over other faces, gaps in the model, verts floating out in space, you name it.

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