3d models of jewels

Discussion started by salarpoorimanidesignstudio


could you please tell me how can I get 5 stars from the site ?


Posted almost 2 years ago

Hm, here https://www.cgtrader.com/forum/general-discussions/presenting-special-designs-in-the-field-of-jewelry a year ago you write about your unbelievable great experience and post a link to hire in 3D Projects. Now you write as if you are an absolute beginner and registered on the site a couple of hours ago.

salarpoorimanidesignstudio wrote
I have to say with respect to your comment In this message, we did not talk about our work history and only asked about the process of working with the site because we used other similar sites continuously last year, not this site. And there is no problem with our work history, and the result can be seen from the models uploaded in the collections. If you don't know how to help, close the way of negative energy and don't comment. This is a public platform for asking questions, not humiliating and mocking others
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Why are you deleting the phrase "I'm a freshman"? Are you no longer a freshman? Well, congratulations on such fast growth. If at the same time the question still remains relevant, you can get 5 stars if the project is made perfectly and the customer appreciates them, everything is simple.

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