Realistic Boulder Collection

Discussion started by RichardHomola

Hello, I've just added a new collection to my models. High quality realistic rocks with detailed materials and custom 4K textures.

You can check it here for a lower introductory price:


Posted over 9 years ago

Fantastic work! Really nicely done, love the different versions, great value for a product to have multiple iterations like that.

Posted over 9 years ago

Looks great,
Maybe retop and remap (on the big rock) so it could also be used for games?

RichardHomola wrote
Thanks for the feedback, game models are also planned and there will be special collections of game-ready models later. They just need some more work and I wanted to supply these models first :)
iterateCGI wrote
Great idea, I took subscription on Unreal Engine 4 a while ago, planning to make some VR content for that platform. It's an amazing tool and given the VR success I think there's lots of opportunity for contend creators for that market. Always good to keep an eye on that. In my case at some point I will make presentation renders of my contend strait inside UE4, I would then probably be interesting to have some additional contend to make the setting more interesting to render the own products in (things like rocks and ground stuff etc.)

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