Low-poly BRAND NEW Ferrari model

Discussion started by Alabassiry

This is a 2017 Ferrari GTC4 Lusso low quality for just 19.99 USD this week !!



Posted over 7 years ago

There are so many things you could do to personalize this car. You have already proven you can make it look like a Ferrari but what if now you change some of the head light shapes or air vents or could even do something as drastic as make an SUV version which I think has never been done.

You could make a version based on Destruction derby and turn it into a rally car or go all Carmageddon on it. There are really endless ways of making something that already exists and everyone can just go out and buy it in real life more exciting , interesting and artistic.

Otherwise your work is not going to stand out. It will just be a copy of everyone else's work and some of the other Ferrari's out there... the super high poly ones like this https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/car/sport/ferrari-699 will steal your thunder because they are the ones that pop up on the main page of CGT all the time... they never seem to post really good low poly work unless it is 3D printable.

Don't throw this model away but just turn it into a model pack and have multiple variations of it doing similar things to what I suggested. If you make it more unique it will stand out and you should also write that in your model description so buyers will be more interested in it.

Posted over 7 years ago

@marvimation .. Thank you, But what do you suggest by personal touches ?

Posted over 7 years ago

Technically it is pretty good but if you want it make it amazing you should add some personal touches that make it uniquely you.

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