Breaker Helm in Unreal

Discussion started by grumpntug

I've been seeing posts about using Unreal and people trying to learn it's rendering abilities but I haven't seen much about PBR which is by far what makes it so powerful. I'm newer here, so maybe I missed some posts but I wanted to share one of my recent pieces that is fully rendered in the new Unreal engine using physically based rendering.

Helmet I created using PBR

If this looks like a pleasing result to you and you aren't sure how to correctly create PBR textures for Unreal and other PBR engines or maybe feel you aren't squeezing what you want out of the Unreal engine; I'd be happy to make a quick write up on my process for this specific piece. Only if the demand is there though. I wanted to share my work but I also wanted to maybe help anyone that may want it. Take care!


Posted about 9 years ago

Unreal is giving impressive rendering abilities now in real time. So much of this stuff is PBR based though which is non-biased really when it comes to engine type. They do have some great post effects though too.

Posted about 9 years ago

I used unreal a long time ago, but have been having my hand mostly in the cryengine cookie jar. If you had a good write up, I'd consider switching because from what I can see, the unreal engine is looking like it has quite a bit more capabilities (from your image) than the cryengine 3 (at least in terms of rendering capabilities.) Time to go do some homework on the matter! :D

Posted about 9 years ago

Jess feel free to share what you have found out about PBR in Unreal engine 4.

I'm also new to UE4, had some introduction to PBR via marmoset, they have some nice introduction info on their website, however don't know how to set up PBR in UE4.

Render looks spectacular by the way ;-)

Posted about 9 years ago

A really nice model. I'm a fairly new user to unreal and still have a lot to learn so any write ups or tips would be useful for anyone like me to reference for when I am making models to import in the engine.
Can unreal models be saved out for users to buy as a ready tested unreal asset directly, or is it best to supply fbx.

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