Features: High quality polygonal model - correctly scaled accurate representation of the original objects. All colors can be easily modified. Model is fully textured with all materials applied. All textures and materials are included. No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene. No cleaning up necessary, just drop model into your scene and start rendering. No special plugin needed to open scene.
Where to use: Games. Models optimized for game engines; Multiplication; Advertising and marketing; NFT, metaverses; VR / AR; 3d printing.
Features: By combining assets, you can create your own unique park; You can easily change the color of objects - using the UV map; Pivot in the logical place of the object; Model has a logical name.
Geometry: 31854 Polygons 13634 Vertex
Items: Blackjack, Roulette, Crap Table, Chair, Chips, Slots, Poker Table, Lucky Spin Machine, ATM, Suitcase Cash, Stool, Snooker Table, Table Tennis, Table Football, Dice, Cards, Railing
Scale: Real-world-size.
Material: Glass
Textures: All models use one texture (as a color palette); 4 Textures are UV Map Resolution: 2048 px.
Files: c4d \ blender \ maya \ 3dsmax \ fbx \ obj \ gltf \ stl \ 3ds