Keyword ,, xfrog,, bug or not?

Discussion started by Art-Studio3d

I like ,,Keyword suggestion,, from CGTrader but ,,Xfrog,, is for what?

Xfrog-plants is a seller. :)


Posted over 8 years ago

Jess agree it sounds ridiculous and maybe a threat to business as usual, but this will happen at some point whether we like it or not. Demand creates offers and trying to stop it will drive the people with the demands to somewhere ells where they can get the offers.

I'm not in favor of prohibiting, we can't stop evolution from happening, we just need to adapt.

Everything is getting automated to a certain degree, even art production itself, we can see this already happing in film, broadcast, visualization and game productions.
Look for example at this game (
Here we can see an example of a software that's capable of generating entire worlds, just out of a library of relatively few things. Rest assure this kind of software and its output will definitely get way more advanced.

Inexpensive software that will generate most common known plants in a matter of seconds by just entering its common name or click a picture (in form of a plug-in for most major 3D packages) will certainly arrive at some point.

This doesn't mean there will be no future for stock media (on the contrary), but things will certainly change for some types of media that can be generated quickly/easily and have no additional added value to offer.

I think a market for both types of media will go hand in hand because all this automation will enable smaller teams to take on bigger scope of projects, resulting in more projects taken on.

Everyone has different preferences for doing things, there is always room for creativity and improvement, evolution keeps us driving forward, it keep us innovating so that we don't stay stuck in the same place and keep doing things the same way.

I'm glad it is so ;-)

Posted over 8 years ago

I think because to create plants with XFrog software is prohibited here like on TS.
Imagine you doing a plant in one minute XFrog…How much will it cost that plant?
Or a forest in 10 minutes!!
Theoretically can be posted here 100,000 plants/ day XFrog if everyone would use this software. :)

Posted over 8 years ago

Xfrogplants can be a good tag when you're selling Xfrogplant files isn't it?
It's not a generic word indeed, but it can still be a valid tag suggestion when lots of people use the term to point to a certain item or activity.

Maybe the machine is learning pretty well?

Explain yourself machine why do you think this is a valid tag suggestion? lol ;-)

This is quite interesting, I bet we will have more of these weird discussion in the future when machines are guiding us even more and we don't get to understand what they are telling us, because ultimately machines will probably get to see more correlation between what we are doing then we actually do ourselves.

So now my question is, can we safely assume the words suggested are really pointing to valid items and used allot by searchers to point to them?

Posted over 8 years ago

Hi Artstudio3d, you are right, "Xfrog" is not a generic word to be used for plants. We use machine learning in tag suggestions and it happened that Xfrog got through. I suggest to just ignore it.

Posted over 8 years ago

Hum, I think generative means can also be used artistically.
It's a different tool for creating expressions and a nice extension to the tools already available.

Nature does also use a sort of procedural generative engine by using its DNA mechanisms, it would be natural we adopt some of this methods for computer generated content.

The art is using these mechanisms to produce/mutate things (make new DNA by matter of speaking) to create new and remarkable species or content/objects previously nonexistent, the people who use these kinds of tools can compete (artistically) on that level.

However I can agree that a future where probably so much stuff will be generated quickly and maybe relatively effortless, it could indeed render things a bit meaningless because of shear amount of things available.

In that case proper context can maybe make a difference?

Posted over 8 years ago

I know all about XFrog but don't know if is honest.... what is my contribution artistic if I use it?
The same think can be for ,,procedural car,, or any objects generator .
Competitive spirit disappears. He, he ;)

Posted over 8 years ago

Xfrog is also a procedural/parametric modeling software specifically designed for generating plants and trees. It also comes as a plug-in for Maya and C4D, if you make a creation graphs inside of this software then other users (hoe have the plug-in installed) could also use it.

So you would have parametric capability's for those plants (can change things/look of the plants)

You could sell these creation files/parametric plants over here.

The software can also output OBJ files for import to all other major 3D software (does not include the parametric capability's).

It is software like Speedtree, Plant Factory and Exlevel GrowFX.

Generative content/creation graphs is the way of the future (especially for nature scenery), allot of people are going to love these generative objects/files more than the regular static meshes hoe have no parameters to change quickly.

If you have a good creation file and know the parameters well, then it is quicker to change some parameters to get the look you want then browse the web to find a model that looks the way you want.

The fact that the keyword suggestion shows "xfrogplants" is a sign there is some meaningful correlation, in this case you can safely assume there are a good amount off xfrogplants already present and people have looked for these plants/creation files previously.

The keyword suggestions are coming from a pool of previous keyword entry's and database correlations, they provides information about watt is currently present and previously asked.

In short, the engine knows you entered plant/ tree and presumes there's a chance it will involve xfrog plants and so provides the suggestion.

It is not attempting to advertise competition if that is what you think lol ;-)

It is indeed a seller but is also selling the same products here.

You are free to have/own an online shop of digital content and sell that same content over here.

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