Why are my sales low?

Discussion started by cagriaytart

Hello to everyone. Why are the sales low? I made two sales in the last two weeks. However, visibility is increasing rapidly. I would be glad if you could help. Have a good day.



Posted almost 4 years ago

It should be noted that this month, June, has been extremely low sales for almost everyone compared to previous months. One reason is that people are hurting for cash due to the virus situation worldwide. In the US alone, stimulus checks have run out and unemployment is still high. People just aren't spending on things outside of essential living stuff. So just keep creating and things might pick up once the situation improves.

skapricorn wrote
Agree. But I can't eliminate the "feeling" like "something is wrong with CGT. Strange things with views happens pretty long time"...
Posted almost 4 years ago

I was looking for "pool" because I'm currently working on a pool scene, and only a few showed up in my search. But I looked on individual accounts and they would have models with "pool" in the title, so it made no sense the models didn't show up in my search. It's like the search feature is broken, or it's my own browser..

LemonadeCG wrote
You have raised good point about search funcionality, however you did in in old topic, where very few people will see this. I find search on CGT to be inadequately week and buggy and it's been so since the beggining. The more people will express their concerns about that, the more chances that cgtrader finally notice the issue and maybe take some actions to address it.
Posted almost 4 years ago


1. Sorry. But CGT's "publishing score" system is BULLSHIT from the start to the end.
Example: few days ago I published new item. There is 50 files (25 differently sized models in two different formats), illustration of each STL in models set, non-spamous description with all that potential customer need to know, 20 hashtags... And what? It's publishing score is "just" 7.5. To get at least 8 user needs to add duplicated preview pictures, posting lots of silly copy-pasted text in description, adding the same files converted in some USELESS format ... It's nothing but wanking! It's destructive. Your servers capacity ALREADY FEW MONTHS are overloaded. Posting new item now is PROBLEM.
2. Advertising: when I used Facebook (now I'm not FB user...) it was unable to fetch from CGT thumbnail for shared link. The same thing was with attempts to share link to Pinterest... etc...etc...etc...
Would be not bad if CGT solves technical and code problems, glitches and bugs before of giving any recommendation about model promotion. Because all those recommendations and advises are just a commercial HYPOCRISY at this moment.

LemonadeCG wrote
I wouldn't express myself in such hostile manner, but otherwise i fully agree with you. Cgtrader has been neglected for way too long and it badly needs a good revamp.
Posted almost 4 years ago

More people are staying home and browsing the net, so views goes up.
Less people buying probably out of job or people in saving money mode.

Posted almost 4 years ago

When I select the pig or hair tag(the newest one) in the search, I see many models that are not related to the query. Is it just me? These models don't even have tags like this, so why do I see them instead of a pig?I think many buyers may also not see the models. There is also a lot of competition, unfortunately there are too many models at a very low price.

skapricorn wrote
Yes. Sometimes.
Posted almost 4 years ago

I haven't had any sales yet, and views have also fallen... Maybe I have few models, or... I don't know, the tag search is confusing

Posted almost 4 years ago


Here are some tips to increase your sales:


You should also raise the publishing score on some of your models by adding a longer description, videos, tags, etc.

Please let me know if you require further assistance.

All the best,
CGTrader support

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