[ROYALTY]The Vale- Props Modeller

Discussion started by thevaleue4

The Vale

The Vale is a Psychological Horror game set in modern day in England.

This will include

-Tense Atmosphere

-Limited Visibility

-Limited Ability to Fight

-Photorealistic Rendering(For Alpha Release)

-First Person Viewpoint

We also hope to include VR and BioFeedback support for the Alpha
release, however no progress has been made in these fields, and it is
not guaranteed that any will be made.

We plan to release a 20 minute playable Alpha prior to June, after which
we will take the necessary steps to secure the opportunity to finish
the game(Crowdfunding is highly probable)

Talent Required

We are currently looking for the following positions. No prior experience is needed in any field.

Props Artist

We are looking to add to our team of props modellers. You should be able to

-Create Models yourself


-Texture 3D Models


-Both (Royalty percentage adjusted accordingly)

Knowledge of UV and Normal Mapping, Material editing and Zbrush is a
huge plus. However, if you are good at modelling and basic texturing,
keep in mind we have somebody on board who specializes in photorealism

To contact, send an email to varunbmohindra@gmail.com

Look forward to hearing from you soon!


Posted over 9 years ago

Hi thevaleue4,

It sounds like an interesting project. Did you receive any answers from interested artists?
Do you have any budget for this project or is it royalty based?
If you have some budget, you can try 3D JOBS category to hire an artist to do the job for you.

Thanks for your post!

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