Payment Agreement: Re-submitted for Review

Discussion started by benjamim97


how long does it take to approve?
because weeks ago I updated and nothing changes or normalizes


Posted almost 4 years ago

Hi! I had the same problem. I wrote to their support and they texted me that my payment agreement was already approved though I had “Re-submitted for review”. Straight after that message I got my approval sign. So, my advice is that you just have to text their support, attach a screen of your payment agreement and ask for a check. You may receive the following message after that:
“Hello there,

Thank you for contacting us.

I have taken a look at your Payment Agreement and found that it is already verified.

Let me know if you require further assistance.”

I guess that it’s just some system problem. Anyway you better always text to the support firstly. It is pretty good here.

Wish all the best!

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