Low sales rate

Discussion started by GeomeTree

I've been on cgtrader for almost 3 years but my sales were always very low.

i tried making my prices higher and lower but it didnt changed anything.

Now i'm wondering where the problem is.

Is the quality of my models not good enough?
And what prices would be good for them?

I hope someone can tell me what i'm doing wrong.

Thanks for reading.


Posted over 4 years ago

Basically, you gave the answer to yourself, the more difficult to do, the less competitors, and vice-versa.
Perhaps the best idea is to find a niche in the field of low poly, lets say, to model for Unreal customers, in this case I would look to find what these people buys and model for them keeping in mind to create new and exciting models.
Things are quite different if you decide to model for the screen, for example, where models have to suffer a close scrutiny, even so, you must choose a kind of models, let´s say, commercial planes, and focus on it.
Focusing in a choosen target it´s the key, if you offer quality, the customer will ignore the price.

GeomeTree wrote
thanks alot for your help. I'll do some researches. maybe i can find a good niche and manage to improve my skills :)
Posted over 4 years ago

Hi there,
I´ve taken a look to some of your models, and the first thing I´ve noticed is the enormous poly count of many of them.
with this weight, these models make almost any scene quite hard to manage, an this is not what a buyer wants.
On the other hand, furniture is a crowded field, it´s difficult to be noticed among such crowd, but not impossible if you create something new and good.

GeomeTree wrote
Thanks for your reply. i'll try to keep the poly count lower on my next models. also can you give me a idea which category isnt too crowded for models? i've checked the analytics but most of the categorys are very hard to make(humans, sci fi things etc)
Posted over 4 years ago

You´re welcome.
As the main tip, you should be able to model anything starting with a box, and anything, means any thing, from furniture to animals.

GeomeTree wrote
sounds like i need alot more practice :/
Posted over 4 years ago

Take a look to the traditional drawing system, that is, boxing, blocking and smoothing, you can find this stuff on the net, and these are the same steps you must follow in 3d drawing.

GeomeTree wrote
i will do that. and again, thanks for all the help.

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