How do you think what price to put on the model

Discussion started by puzanovanton2015

Hello everyone yesterday put up a new model and suffer with price problems. How much would you rate? In my opinion not less than 30 dollars but I'm afraid that at this price I will not take. What's your opinion?"


Posted over 4 years ago

Yeah you are right, it's pointless.
I think only when (if) tiered pricing is implemented and those guys start getting some sales at 10x their current price they may realize how much money they had actually lost (not earned).

This model will sell for $99 imho.
Make an experiment for a few months and see how it works out, compare with your current earnings and decide for yourself.

Posted over 4 years ago

What's the point to spawn countless topics on the forum, asking for price, when you have no intention to listen what's been told to you? At one point this guy was selling the model in question for $5! I don't know if it's worth to discuss further, it looks that it is all pointless.

puzanovanton2015 wrote
Need something to go on the market. After each purchase, I raise the price. If I had just put 30 - 40 dollars. Then no one would buy it and it would fall to the end of the list.
Posted over 4 years ago

I call this the "poor for life" syndrome and some of the main reasons for that are self doubt, lack of information and piracy.

The low self-esteem leads them to believe that what they do is worthless and nobody will pay normal price for it.
Most of them also have no idea for how much they can actually sell the model.
Not paying for the expensive software they use also contributes to the inability to understand the real value of the model.

All this accumulates over the years as more and more similar sellers enter the market and everyone tries to undercut one another.
Some realize how pointless this is after a year or two and give up, but their low priced models remain on the site and make the next wave of similar minded sellers think this is the price they should aim for... and here we are.

Posted over 4 years ago

I don’t understand how people can make such low prices on models that they created for weeks or a month. In our CIS one site with dumping sales killed modeling prices, I’ll say that when it comes to the lowest possible prices due to dumping, people will start to increase the number of models in the file and this is a true degradation, you will work for bananas. Unfortunately on this site everything goes to this.

Posted over 4 years ago


Posted over 4 years ago

If anyone has the time, I would like to hear what you think of my prices? Sales are regular. I thought they were reasonably priced. I participate in the sales and read that you should increase your price slightly to balance that. Just looking for a second opinion. The models are priced according to what was in market already, matching the quality I have with what is there, with the intention not to undercut anyone.

Posted over 4 years ago

Hi, all my models only for 50%

Posted over 4 years ago

Listen to trimtek - he gets it.

Posted over 4 years ago

I agree with LemonadeCG.
How much time do you spend on creating one of these characters?

puzanovanton2015 wrote
I studied on the first models so they are almost free. I did a woman’s war for about 30 days
trimitek wrote
Ok, let's presume you had worked 8 hours per day (you can make your own calculation if it's more or less) - that is 240 hours. Let's take below average rate for 3D Artists of 15$ per hour - that makes 3600$. If I am a customer who needs this model I'll gladly pay anything below that price, or even the same price if there will be no additional work involved (for fixing errors or making modifications). Why? - Because I just saved one month of work (and salary) to someone on my team and he can work on the next task immediately. Time = Money. On the other hand, if I see that the model price is 15$, and see that the pipeline includes a bunch of very expensive software I'll become very suspicious that something is not right.. maybe the model is stolen and I'll get into trouble if I release my game with it.... Other way to think about this is to calculate how much your own time costs - in this case and price, when you deduct CGT share and fees, you get something around $0.045 per hour on sale. Even if we presume that every single month, there will be 10 people who will need exactly this model and will choose your model over all others (which will never happen, you will be lucky if you get 1-2) you can get to $0.45 per hour. Many people don't realize the fact that the models have expiration date too - they become outdated in a few years. They will not sell forever and some will never sell at all, so you better make the most of each sale.
Posted over 4 years ago

Your prices are ridiculously low, i would say even downright insulting. With such prices, you're demonstrating disrespect not only to your colegues, but first to yourself.

Posted over 4 years ago

I think you model looks a little under priced. I agree should be 30$. I would look at all the other models in market that are most similar to yours and price yours the same. I would also do more close up renders of the skin detail and face. Here is an example of one that is similar but is going for a bit more.

GetDeadEntertainment wrote
You should do your renders at 2048x2048 and some that are closer.
puzanovanton2015 wrote
Thank you for advice. I'll leave it at $ 15. Cheaper to sell is not worth it

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