FountainMaker Kits

Discussion started by Forester

Please allow me to draw your attention to the series of "FountainMaker" water kits for people making their own 3D models of water fountains. (You can view the current five kits by using the search term "Fountainmaker.")

These kits contain photo-realistic water elements - basin water surfaces, sprays, water plumes, and so forth. They are priced VERY inexpensively!

Despite their cheap price, these are carefully designed to be physically accurate, photo-realistic, and modeled with precise pivot points, etc. to make it easy to add water to your fountains, reflecting pools, basins, birdbaths, and so forth. I want my fellow model-builders to use these freely. The license allows those of you making models for commercial sale to incorporate these into your work. (You just can not sell the kits onward as they are.)

A couple more kits will be published over the next weeks.

Thank you for your attention - Forester


Posted about 6 years ago

Start by looking at the product description for the Round Disks...

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