59% royalty rate?

Discussion started by hoursenghong

First of all, sorry if I post in the wrong section.

I have sold 3 item so far, TBH. The first one I got like 71% royalty. But the last 2 (from Dec 2016 - Feb 2017) I got only 58% and 59%.

Did I miss something?


Posted about 7 years ago

Hi, there,

You customers were probably from EU countries.
CGTrader has recently moved to charge VAT to the customers instead of sellers: https://www.cgtrader.com/forum/topics/cgtrader-updates-vat

Therefore, the VAT column wasn't needed anymore, and the royalty rate count was adjusted to show the information without the additional VAT column.

There will be no more 58-59% royalty amount, as you will not be able to get less than 70% royalties on your sales.

Hope this helps!

Eddie, CGTrader

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