
Discussion started by ArchimedProduction

Rating I can’t understand how someone can have a reputation for 229910 points ?? With all due respect to Denis, this is arithmetically impossible. He has only 9 times more models than me, for example, and the mismatch of the maximum number of points for the reputation of the models. What do you think?


Posted almost 4 years ago

@ArchimedProduction: To be honest: why should anyone buy the animals when he she can have a whole bundle of them on the reallusion - content store for less than 85 bucks ?

It is avaible here:

Am usually very careful of accusing folks, but your animals (all types are also included in the bundle) look pretty much alike the ones provided there (didn't have a closer look since I have better things to do).

For the characters: every child can buy "Character Creator" with "Headshop plugin" and other plugins made by Reallusion and kitbash with the morphs and features and create characters on mass pretty easy.

Sorry, but that has not much to do with creating (especially modelling what cgtrader should be all about) something all on your own.

trimitek wrote
I guess that explains everything - from the confusion, to the "insane" pricing comment..
Mineral3D wrote
Yes, looks like it... The animals really look like they are from the original "Animal world" packages (frog fish,wolf, etc.) ...
Posted almost 4 years ago

Ok, I see the link now and I see the explanation, but I'm afraid I can not answer without hurting your feelings..

ArchimedProduction wrote
My feelings have nothing to do with it. I say that the arithmetic of calculating reputation points confuses me. And here it’s not a matter of a separate artist
trimitek wrote
Did you read this: and still find it confusing?
Posted almost 4 years ago

I mean that 40K+ reputation is not important - You will get 80% of royalty with 40000 and with 200000. My reputation is 6000 - but Buyer buy my models because they are good even my reputation is still low. Chances depends on price and quality not reputation! Your royalty depends on reputation!

Posted almost 4 years ago

Just browsed through props inside iClone which I haven't used yet and figured out that default
"Dog Collie" and the default cat are these:
Original dog on pictures in official manual:
Original cat:

That one is the jeep is already included in iClone:

This user should also be checked (commenting archimed's "products":
He tries to sell from original content derived iClone characters wearing default clothing (e.g. for the Heidi - Character) as FBX and OBJ export thinking he is smart and iClone users won't recognize.

Mineral3D wrote
Edit: Dog Collie and cat in "his" (Archimed) collection:
Posted almost 4 years ago

Its not impossible,

Note that the amount on each sale gets added to your reputation score. So if your models sells for 2 dollars you get 2 reputation points, on other hand if your model sell for 150 dollars you get 150 reputation points on a sale.

Also buying models gets you same amount in reps.
Dennis may also do CGtrader jobs and that gets jet again same amounts in points.

I don't see any irregularity here, looking at my own account its standing at 48000 reps having 70 models, Dennis has almost 800 models.

Just need lots of good priced models that sell.

ArchimedProduction wrote
I understood approximately. It is not clear how they manage to sell models at an insane price.
Posted almost 4 years ago

For example I got 90% of my reputation points (23K) in the Community ratings "game" (now it is broken).
But what is weird on fact that sellers with huge portfolio of premium quality have 100, 200K or more points?
It is simple math: if you have only 3$ products in your database then you cannot campare with them.
Use common sense: seller with 10 products priced 10$ is same like seller with 1 product priced 100$.

trimitek wrote
23k wow! I feel I know why it's not fixed yet =] ... btw looking at this page now I had noticed that exactly Denis is in first place there with 54k =D
ArchimedProduction wrote
Fine! What am I talking about. The quality of the model does not matter at all !!
zabotlama wrote
ArchimedP.: quality matters but quality connected with CORRECT PRICE, originality, complexity etc. Simple math again: seller with 500 complex products (cities or high detailed cars) each priced 120$ can sell 50 products monthly - so it means +5000 points every month or 60000 points every year. Simple, everyone must understand it.
Posted almost 4 years ago

All together - sum of work done - If Denis has Customer which gave him a work for 1000 dollars - it is plus reputation too.
So my opinion is folloowing: do not count other people's money? do not count other people's CGT reputaion! Be happy with your own!

ArchimedProduction wrote
I do not consider other people's money and I brought Denis as an example
Posted almost 4 years ago

All reputation over 40K is not important - it means 80% of royalty. You will not get 100% any time. More time here, more activity, more sales, done jobs - You earn more money.

ArchimedProduction wrote
Did you mean that a seller with a reputation below 40K has almost no chance of selling?
Posted almost 4 years ago

Give link to this "Denis" collection and we may try to find explanation

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